Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

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    Tuesday 31 March 2009

    The Beacon March 2009

    The Beacon March 2009

    Newsletter of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA)

    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area

    Public access to Station Pier on cruise ship days
    Members of the Committee were official visitors to Station Pier on recent cruise days. It was observed that Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) was doing an excellent job coping with substantial volumes of traffic, congestion in a restricted space and within the constraints of the heritage overlay. BCNA accepts that access on cruise days cannot be granted to the public at this time. However we continue to promote to the City of Port Phillip (CoPP), PoMC and our Local Member, Martin Foley, the great opportunity to create a viewing platform on the pier for passengers and visitors to showcase this gateway to Melbourne and enhance the experience of local residents. PoMC are planning a notice board at the entrance to Station Pier to make any restrictions clear to pedestrians. Residents please advise us of any traffic problems experienced on peak shipping days

    Webb Dock Development
    BCNA continues to request the setback of port roads away from The Boulevard residences as the preferred option in the future development of Webb Dock. This appears to be the best way to minimise noise and fumes from increased port activity levels.

    Landscape revitalisation plan for Beacon Cove
    The documented plan has been provided by CoPP. The Committee examined it in detail. Most of the plan is uncontroversial such as the removal of dead trees on Beach Street and their replacement. Other aspects are more contentious and require further input from local residents and consultation with the Committee. Most angst is caused by the proposal to remove the established and thriving Ficus trees (in stages) because of damage to footpaths and potentially to residences. However these trees are now an important aspect of the amenity of the area. The Committee is not convinced that the estimated
    cost of containing the trees through root barriers and by pruning puts that option out of question.
    On site inspections are planned to consider replacement of tree species. The replacement of turf is now delayed by inadequate tender responses. It has become apparent that the allocation of $400,000 will be insufficient to cover the envisaged works. Opinions of residents are requested to the Committee by phone or email to the Secretary.

    Sandridge Beach Landscape Plan
    Work proceeds ahead with the renewing of the foreshore at Sandridge. There is however some opposition to plans for the tree plantings. In essence, some residents fear that tall trees will interrupt their existing sea view. The CoPP project manager and Janet Bolitho, Ward Councillor, are trying to resolve these issues and still create a much better space for both local residents and visitors to the beaches with areas of shade, vistas and pathways to the water, and windbreaks. Please call any members of the Committee to express your views.

    Meeting with new Mayor of CoPP
    The Committee is arranging to meet with the new Mayor, Frank O’Connor, to outline the BCNA activities and desires for our neighbourhood. (Committee members attended a forum with the Mayor and Councillors in February to give input to CoPP strategy).

    CoPP Budget submission
    The Committee has again provided its annual submission to CoPP for maintenance and capital works projects in Beacon Cove and nearby areas for 2009/2010.
    To understand submission contents please contact Dana Hlavacek or other Committee members as below.

    Update on Princes Pier
    We have received correspondence with the new Minister for Major Projects. However it was, in effect, a recital of the status quo with respect to unclear plans and inadequate financing rather than a response to earlier letters from the Committee about actual developments. Little progress is being made on the Pier with work often interrupted by removal of cranes and equipment. The Committee is seeking a meeting with the Minister.

    Bike path outside towers
    No progress has been made, with Major Projects unwilling to act on their current responsibility to deal with an unsafe surface of the bike path and the CoPP unwilling to act in advance of the forthcoming handover. The Committee believes that the present situation with the bike paths is very unsafe and a further meeting with the Minister is being sought.

    Garden City Reserve Renovation
    There has been obvious action in the Garden City Reserve, albeit with slow progress and confusion on the widening of paths. CoPP reports the following:
    · Electrical works by CoPP will be finished for mid March
    · Citipower will then move the light poles to the opposite side of the path.
    · CoPP will then finish off the paths and take away the huge dirt mound
    · Quotes now being obtained for tree planting and garden bed establishment
    · Tree and shrubs - planting will start late April including one or two community planting days of 4000 tube stock of native plants
    · 150 native and exotic trees have already been ordered and are growing offsite
    · The playground design is now being documented, ready for tender by mid to late March and subsequent building
    The whole project will continue into 2009/2010. Port People are providing great guidance and support to CoPP on this project.

    Next social event Wednesday 22 April
    The Clare Castle Hotel in Graham Street will be the venue for our next social event. This is one of the best value pubs of Port and we will reserve sufficient tables for all to partake in great conversation and good food at recessionary prices. Please invite your neighbours and especially anyone new in the neighbourhood. Come casual at 7:00 for 7:30 pm. More details will be sent later to your email address.

    Planning Scheme Amendments
    The responsible CoPP planner has detailed progress on the planning scheme changeover for Beacon Cove townhouses. This will in effect see CoPP maintaining existing covenants as well as using current planning rules to help protect the nature of the area. The changeover is still proposed by year end.

    * Fuel tender boat and loud music at Pier are disturbing tower residents – BCNA in support role
    * Liquor licence request at D’Lish Fish withdrawn.
    * BCNA investigating solar power collective
    * Bob Harrison appointed to Port Melbourne Waterfront Revitalisation reference group

    Join or renew membership at $10 per annum per family to The Treasurer BCNA at 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 – pay now and receive 15 months membership (June 2010). Make cheques payable to Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association with following details:

    Name: ……………………………………………………
    Address: ………………………………………………..
    Phone: …………………………………………………..
    Email: ……………………………………………………

    Current members please send email address changes to Secretary at .

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850
    Committee Members: Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115 Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 96762151

    Many thanks to MP Martin Foley for generous support to print The Beacon.

    Aims and Aspirations of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association

    The aims and aspirations (as amended at the 2004 Annual General Meeting) of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc. are:

    To ensure as far as possible that the proprietorial and residential interests of all residents of Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood be treated fairly in relation to Government or Developer’s actions affecting Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To seek active and on-going participation in planning and development processes at State Government, Local Government and/or Developer’s level relating to land use in Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To preserve, and if possible, enhance the existing quality of life of all residents of Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To preserve sites of cultural and historical importance in Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To provide a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood to discuss key issues regarding developments within Beacon Cove and the abutting neighbourhood;

    To communicate with fellow residents and encourage a sense of community;

    To facilitate communication for social and information exchange;

    To deal with pertinent issues as they arise; and

    To liaise with other groups and associations as needs be.

    November 2004.

    Sunday 1 March 2009

    BCNA Committee Members 2008-2009

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Committee 2008-2009

    Eddie Micallef 9645 1185

    Vice President
    Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961

    Trevor Nink 9681 8283

    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850

    General Committee Members
    Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 9676 2151

    Public Officer
    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850