Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

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    Thursday 28 March 2019

    Appeal on Minister’s ‘Call In’ for 1-7 Waterfront Place

    In October, the Supreme Court made a decision on the Minister for Planning’s ‘call in’ for 1-7 Waterfront Place.  For more information on this judgement and consequences, please refer to what we posted in October.

    We have been advised that the Court of Appeal will hear an appeal against this decision on Tuesday 21 May.

    One day has been allowed. The appeal is expected to be a technical discussion around the meaning of ‘7 days’ in respect to the notice regarding the call in. Judgement is expected to be later.

    Town Planning, Covenants and Dispute Resolution in Beacon Cove

    Apologies to those who have seen this item before however, even though we posted on this subject back in 2017, we still get lots of enquiries for assistance and support regarding planning controls and disputes. So to assist those who haven't seen it before I'm reposting the relevant information.

    From time to time residents seek advice on how to manage disputes regarding planning applications. The BCNA supports upgrades of properties that comply with the Port Phillip Planning Scheme as this maintains the character and amenity of Beacon Cove. The BCNA has prepared a short guide to assist members in defending their interests. This guide prepared was prepared in 2017and remains relevant.

    Fishermans Bend e-News

    The State Government is now producing e-News updates on Fishermans Bend.

    An example can be downloaded here and you can sign up here.

    Thursday 7 March 2019

    Election Pledges on Low Sulphur Fuel

    The BCNA has met three candidates standing for the Federal seat of Macnamara to discuss our request for the introduction of low-sulphur marine fuel for ships using Station Pier. The candidates are Kate Ashmor (Liberals), Josh Burns (ALP), and Steph Hodgins-May (Greens).

    The introduction of low sulphur fuel requires co-operative action between the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments.

    The BCNA is seeking a 0.1% sulphur content for marine fuel for ships berthing at Station Pier. This standard has applied in Sydney Harbour from 2015 and is the same standard that now applies in most of Europe, the North Sea, within 200 nautical miles of most of the North American and Canadian coasts, the United States Caribbean Sea since 1 January 2015, and for ports and inland waterways in Turkey from 2012. We are using this statement to explain our request.

    The candidates’ responses are:
    • Steph Hodgins-May supports the mandated use of 0.1% sulphur in fuel for all ships using Station Pier (download detailed response).
    • Kate Ashmor states that the Government actively supports the work of the International Maritime Organisation to reduce airborne emissions, including sulphur and is working closely with shipping operators in Australia to support the transition towards a cleaner shipping sector, and is open to considering data in support of an Emission Control Area (ECA) mandating 0.1% sulphur in fuel that State Government agencies provide (download detailed response).
    • Josh Burns states that most ships visiting Station Pier would now comply with the 0.5% sulphur standard (to apply to ships from 1 January 2020) with the TT-Line (Spirit of Tasmania) to tranisition to low sulphur fuel by the end of the year, and that Labor will work with the BCNA and industry to lower sulphur levels being emitted from ships (download detailed response).
    The BCNA will publish updates of the candidates’ responses up to the Federal election. We will attempt to meet new candidates as they become known.

    Update on the Foodstore Site

    The developer of 103 Beach Street met objectors at a meeting last Monday, 4th March 2019. The meeting, sponsored by Council, was designed to allow the developer to respond to concerns raised and to explore possible solutions. The developer is proposing a four-level building comprising a café and supermarket on the ground floor, underground car park and 12 apartments.

    The BCNA wants to see this site developed. Concerns raised by attendees at the meeting included the importance of maintaining parking spaces to the north of the building, two car park entrances, retaining a pedestrian entrance to the building from the car park, height, safe pedestrian and cycle use to the east of the building, and toilet facilities. The developers will now finalise their plans for submission to Council. These will be considered by the Statutory Planning Committee before being considered at a full Council meeting. This is unlikely to occur before May 2019.

    Sunday 3 March 2019

    Reinvestment in the Waterfront Place Precinct

    The BCNA has been advocating for redevelopment of the precinct with The Hon. Martin Foley, MP as the area near Station Pier is not working well for residents and visitors. For example, the area often becomes ‘grid locked’ when cruise ships and the Spirit of Tasmania are at berth. This hinders visitor movements to and from ships as well as freight movement. Taxis often refuse to enter the area when it is grid locked and emergency services vehicles have great difficulty entering the area. The public realm looks ‘run down’ and is not an inviting place for visitors. There is a lack of shops, services and amenities and the area is very weather exposed.

    The Port Melbourne Business Association and BCNA have discussed this situation with Council and the Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne). All agree that the area requires review and reinvestment.

    Planning is being done by the Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) to address some of these concerns. However, further investment will be required. This requires co-operative action between the Victorian Government and the City of Port Phillip.

    The BCNA advocated for this reinvestment to the candidates standing for the seat of Albert Park at the 2018 election. The Hon. Martin Foley MP supported our request.

    BCNA continues to advocate for reinvestment.

    BCNA Objects to Development at 10 Narooma Place

    There is a new proposal (Application Number: 1025/2018) at 10 Narooma Place for “... partial demolition, alterations and additions; the construction of a first-floor studio above the existing garage...” A previous proposal for a three-level dwelling on the site of the garage at this address was rejected by the City of Port Phillip in March 2018.

    The BCNA supports changes to properties that are in accord with the relevant planning provisions. However, the BCNA has concerns about this development as it would substantially change the character of the area. The BCNA believes the proposal does not comply with the Neighbourhood Character Overlay of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme, the Neighbourhood provisions, and that the visual bulk and massing of the development is not in keeping with the design of the area. If approved, it would establish a precedent for similar proposals across Beacon Cove.  The BCNA submission can be found here.