Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Friday 29 April 2011

    Golden View Chinese Restaurant 11 May 2011

    BCNA Social Event

    Golden View Chinese Restaurant Dinner

    A wonderful banquet has been designed by the Golden View Chinese Restaurant for BCNA members and friends

    The meal is $45 per head and comprises a variety of delicious entree and main courses and choice of desert. Please pay on the night.

    Drinks can be purchased separately.

    This new local restaurant has been receiving some great reviews and we hope you can join with us to have a great night of food and fun.

    When: 7 for 7.30pm, Wednesday 11 May 2011
    Golden View Chinese Restaurant
    53 Bay St, Port Melbourne

    RSVP: by Wednesday 4th May to (please advise of any dietary requirements)

    Sunday 17 April 2011

    The Beacon - April 2011 Newsletter

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association

    The Beacon

    April 2011 Newsletter

    Click here for a pdf version.

    The Beacon

    April 2011

    Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA).

    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area.

    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendment

    Over the past three years the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has been working on Amendment C73 intended to bring Beacon Cove under the City’s planning scheme. When in place the amendment will create certainty and transparency in future planning decisions and ensure the ongoing architectural integrity of the Estate.

    In recent days the Minister for Planning has advised the City that it may now exhibit the amendment for public comment. It is expected that within the next three months each resident effected by the amendment will receive an “information pack” from Council explaining the process in detail and the manner in which any relevant submissions may be made to Council. The amendment will remain on exhibition for one calendar month, during which time any submissions may be lodged. In determining the final form of the amendment, the Minister is required to take into account all submissions. Following the expiry of the exhibition period there is an ongoing complex procedure prior to final gazettal of the amendment. It is likely that it will be a further twelve months before Beacon Cove is finally brought under the control of the CoPP Planning Scheme.

    1-11 Waterfront Place

    In November 2009 CoPP adopted guidelines supporting a six story limit and recently has requested the State Government to agree to a mandatory 3 story height limit to land at 1-11 Waterfront Place on an interim basis for 2 years. This would apply while the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF) is being completed BCNA has written to the Minister for Planning following his pre-election commitments. At this stage the response by his department on his behalf states the DPCD is working with the CoPP to develop the UDF in consultation with the local community and that the Minister has not yet considered the CoPP request for interim height controls. BCNA also meet with the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to discuss the potential for the 1-11 Waterfront site to be considered in a buffer zone to Station Pier. Any substantial development of course would add considerable pressure to the precinct especially on cruise shipping days. PoMC are taking this on notice. BCNA will continue to pursue a satisfactory outcome

    Interface with Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC)

    Last December and February groups of residents visited Station Pier on cruise ship handover day and experienced the difficulties of operation in these conditions. In the short term we see the need to close the pier to the public but in the long term PoMC should provide improved viewing facilities for the public. Also see above.

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF)

    The CoPP consultant, AECOM, has completed the first stage of their project. This has involved two public community meetings and has resulted in an understanding of the issues and opportunities of the study area and a community vision for consideration of Council and other key stakeholders. The next stage, to be completed by mid- year, will establish key future objectives and outcomes from these studies, discussions and deliberations and form a basis for a draft urban framework. Our Community Reference Committee (CRC) representative believes that the suggestions and concerns of our community have been well taken on by AECOM to date. This is supported by their current draft reports, particularly those emanating from the public meetings, which provide a balance to community expectations. The consultant’s final report is due in November 2011. Your suggestions or concerns are of interest to the study group and can be sent to Council or BCNA.

    Princes Pier

    Major Projects Victoria (MPV) has given approval to a number of the suggestions that have been put forward by BCNA and others, subject to Heritage Vic approval.

    • Gatehouse upper level without partitioning.

    • Widen lower landings and provide ramps.

    • Provide pedestrian scale lighting and better beach access.

    • An area of open decking to display original deck construction.

    • Other items are still being considered.

    Clean Up Australia Day

    Some forty BCNA members and 3207beachpatrollers were joined by new volunteers and by the 5th Caulfield Scout Group to participate in "Clean Up Australia Day". Plenty of litter was found, as usual, near the open drain on Port Melbourne beach. Progress east to the PM Yacht Club was therefore a little slow as participants also swarmed over the grassy dunes, which are real litter traps. Lagoon Pier was cleaned of fishing line and discarded bait bags. All up close to 60 large bags of litter were collected - mostly plastic. Sharps monitors report 6 needles. Council will analyse the litter contents which may provide useful info. Congratulations to all involved, in particular organiser of 3207beachpatrol, Tom Burrowes. Our beaches are much safer and cleaner as a result of this impressive community effort. Further events will be notified by email/eblog.

    Next Social Event

    A wonderful banquet has been designed by the Golden View Chinese Restaurant for BCNA members and friends. The meal is $45 per head and comprises a variety of delicious entree and main courses and choice of desert. Drinks can be purchased separately. This new local restaurant has been receiving some great reviews and we hope you can join with us to have a great night of food and fun.

    When: 7 for 7.30pm, Wednesday 11 May 2011

    Where: Golden View Chinese Restaurant

    53 Bay St, Port Melbourne

    RSVP: by Wednesday 4th May to (please advise of any dietary requirements)

    Other Current Issues

    BCNA is working with members on issues of:

    • The Dog Club transfer from Murphy Reserve to Garden City Reserve,

    • Proposed installation of mobile phone tower at Station Pier area and

    • Refurbishment of trunk sewer site at Swallow Street.

    • Flooding due to inadequate drainage, esp. at Pier and Beach Street intersection

    Support Your Association


    BCNA is your community association working for you and the local neighbourhood.

    • BCNA’s current lobbying activities include:- redevelopment of waterfront precinct, development at 1-11 Waterfront Place, Princes Pier, Planning Amendment C73.

    • More members = better lobbying power.

    • Meet key personnel from our Council, our Government and Opposition: the Port of Melbourne etc at BCNA’s Annual General Meeting on 20 October 2011.

    • BCNA 2011/2012 subscriptions – join now or renew current membership.

    • Subscriptions are $10 per year or $45 per 5 years per household.

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185

    Vice President: Greg Mate 9681 7441

    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283

    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9646 8850

    Please complete and detach the form below and return with cheque payable to BCNA to The Treasurer BCNA, 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne by post or deliver to 103 Beach Street postal box (behind IGA store, near notice board)



    Email address...............................................

    Phone #s.......................................................

    Cheque enclosed: □ $10 (1 year) or □ $45 (5 years)

    Subscribe to the BCNA eblog site at

    BCNA expresses its appreciation to Martin Foley MLA for support to print The Beacon

    Saturday 16 April 2011

    Membership BCNA 2012 - 2013

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
    Membership 2012/2013 
    Support Your Association
    Remember if you have joined for 5 years last year you are already a member

    The Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association (BCNA) is your local community association working for you and your local neighbourhood.

    Ø    BCNA’s current lobbying activities include:- future redevelopment of waterfront precinct, development at 1-7 Waterfront Place, Webb Dock, Fisherman’s Bend

    Ø    Get to know people in your community by coming to our organised social events

    Ø    Meet key personnel from our Council, our Government and Opposition, the Port of Melbourne at our AGM

    Ø    Annual subscription $10 per household or Five (5) year membership $45 per household

    President: Eddie Micallef 9645 1185
    Vice President: Greg Mate 9681 7441
    Secretary: Trevor Nink 9681 8283
    Treasurer: Dana Hlavacek 9646 8850

    Please click here for the membership form to complete. 
    Remember if you have joined for 5 years last year you do not need to rejoin.

    Or complete the details below and return with cash/cheque payable to “Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association” to:

    The Treasurer BCNA, Private Box 61, 103 Beach Street, Port Melbourne by post   OR

    Deliver to private post box 103 Beach Street (behind IGA store, near notice board)





    Cash/Cheque enclosed:  $10 (1 year)      or          $45 (5 years)

    Keep up-to-date by subscribing to our internet site at

    Friday 8 April 2011

    Beach Patrol 3207 - Saturday 9 am Group Clean

    Beach Patrol 3207
    Group Clean Saturday 9th April 9 am
    Sandridge Life Saving Club

    Reminder Notice

    It looks like perfect weather conditions coming our way for this Saturday. I may even have a swim - or wade in the water picking up flotsam.

    9 am start at Sandridge Life Saving Club - for a rewarding walk east to Port Melbourne for coffee n chat (well- more chats!) about an hour - love to see you there.


    Tom Burrows

    Sandridge Life Saving Club - along The Boulevard - more or less opposite the Fred Jackson Reserve but about 100m east of Todd Road.

    Please remember to wear your bright blue beach patrol t shirt and bring your gloves. I will have plastic bags and sharps containers. (I have more t shirts on order - if they arrive in time I will bring them along.)

    Tuesday 5 April 2011

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework

    Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework (PMWUDF)

    PMWUDF Newsletter # 1 - March 2011

    This is the first of several newsletters to be distributed throughout the year by City of Port Phillip. Click Here to open the pdf file.

    Community Engagement - Drop In Session
    Saturday 7th May 10 am - 3 pm

    Port Melbourne Yacht Club

    The drop in session has been organised to hear from you on what we’ve heard so far and let us know if we are on the right track. Being on a Saturday and spread over 5 hours it provides an opportunity for those community members who could not attend the Port Melbourne Town Hall meetings to ‘have a say’ on their waterfront.

    Let your voice have a say.

    Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club

    Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club (HBODC)

    The Hobson Bay Obedience Dog Club is relocating from Murphy Reserve to Garden City Reserve mid/late 2011.

    A demonstration day is being held on Sunday 10 April 10.15 am to 11 am at Garden City Reserve, near the Sandridge Trugo Club.

    If you would like more information council staff will be in attendance to answer your questions.

    Click Here to see the City of Port Phillip information sheet with more details.