Events for your Diary

  • Sat 20, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Garden City shops

  • August
  • Sat 3, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 17, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 North Port tram stop

  • September
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Centenary Bridge pylon
  • Sat 21, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Tuesday 16 July 2024

    Barak Beacon Redevelopment Approved

    The Premier and the Minister for Housing have approved Housing Victoria’s plans for 408 dwellings on the Barak Road site as explained here.

    The BCNA welcomes the redevelopment which will have a mix of social, affordable and market housing but is disappointed that there has been no recognition of the need to improve access to public transport, green space, and local roads to cope with the expected increase of about eight hundred residents.

    The BCNA is hoping that there will be close cooperation with Homes Victoria during the build phase to improve street access, retain green space, and prevent parking spillover to local streets. Click here for further details.

    Record Membership

    Thank you to members who have renewed their memberships, and to new members who have joined the BCNA in 2023/24.

    Membership continues to grow and reached 478 on 30 June 2024, a new record for the BCNA.

    The BCNA continues to be active on your behalf in protecting and enhancing the amenity of the area. Feedback received from local and state authorities is that our input is well regarded, being described as organised, sensible, practical, and engaged. Our last newsletter as well as posts to this website explain the issues we are involved with on your behalf.

    Wednesday 3 July 2024

    Barak Beacon Update

    The BCNA continues to engage with Nina Taylor MP, Member for Albert Park, about community concerns with the proposed development. Our concerns are about the massive increase in residences, but without any change in public transport, roads and parking (see our news item of 8 March 2024). The amenity of nearby residents will be diminished.

    The BCNA received an email from Homes Victoria last Friday which indicates that Homes Victoria remains committed to develop 408 residences.

    Savings on Non-recyclable Waste Charges

    Your annual council rates include a charge for waste collection. However, you may not be aware that there are 3 sizes of waste bins available to households, with the size written on the side of the bin. The standard size allocated to houses as part of your rates is 120 litres. However, it may be that you have inherited a larger bin if you moved into the area. In that case, be aware of the following charges or rebates if you vary your bin size.

    There is an annual garbage bin surcharge of $255 for properties that are provided with a 240-litre bin for non-recyclable waste. This extra charge will be added to your rates. If you want to go smaller, an 80-litre waste bin is also available and will result in an annual rebate of $82 for properties that take up this small waste bin. It’s simple to change your bins, just Make a Request on the Request a Service part of Council's website. They will deliver the desired bin size on an agreed day and collect the old one.

    Derelict Land and Buildings

    The City of Port Phillip (Council) has now approved the Budget for 2024/25.

    As part of this year’s budget, Council approved differential rate increases for derelict land, unactivated retail land, and vacant land. This is in response to community concern about derelict and vacant sites. The differential rate increases are designed to influence behaviour and shorten the time properties are left unutilised. The BCNA strongly supports this policy.

    The three categories and the rates to apply are:
    • Derelict Land - “buildings that are left in a state of disrepair, unsightly, raise health and safety concerns, promote anti-social behaviour or which cause loss of neighbourhood amenity.”  The rate will be four times the residential rate per dollar.
    • Unactivated Retail Land “including shops that are not open for trade for more than 24 months which hinders retail vibrancy & business activation and negatively impacts municipal streetscapes.” The rate will be four times the residential rate per dollar.
    • Vacant Land “which is not developed in a timely manner that otherwise would result in a more vibrant and liveable city.” The rate will be three times the residential rate per dollar.
    Residential rates will increase by 2.75 per cent which is consistent with the Victorian Government’s guideline.

    Click here to read the Minutes of Council’s budget meeting.

    Wednesday 19 June 2024

    Fishermans Bend Primary School

    The Victorian Government has announced that a primary school will be built on Williamstown Road in the Wirraway precinct of Fishermans Bend. Click here for details about the new school as well as a map showing location.

    An earlier site for the school was thought to be 509 Williamstown Road as explained here. That site and area was designated open space under the Victorian Government’s 2018 Fishermans Bend Framework. The City of Port Phillip purchased the site to ensure it was retained as open space. This decision was welcomed by the BCNA, and we continue to advocate for adequate green space for residents as the precinct develops.

    The school is expected to open in 2026 with places for 650 students from Prep to Grade 6. Currently in the design phase, a builder for the project is expected to be appointed in late 2024.

    New Underground Rail Route through Fishermans Bend

    A recent article in The Age (paywall) reports that a new cross-city rail route, dubbed Melbourne Metro 2, has been endorsed by the Department of Transport and Planning.

    The proposed line rail line, which would run from Clifton Hill to Newport, would include two stations in Fishermans Bend as shown in the map here:
    The BCNA, Council and the Fishermans Bend Business Forum have urged the State Government to meet its 2018 commitments regarding rail and tram services into the Fishermans Bend. This would promote greater certainty for developers that the promised services will be available for residents on completion of projects.   The current uncertainty has led to delays in projects (see Age article).

    There has been no announcement as to when funding for the promised rail and tram services will be provided.

    BCNA Dinner 11th July

    The second BCNA dinner for 2024 is being held on Thursday 11th July. BCNA members have already been sent details.

    If you would like to attend, please email the Treasurer to discuss membership and dinner details.

    Thursday 30 May 2024

    Meeting with the Hon. David Davis MLC Regarding the Barak Beacon Redevelopment

    Since our last update, BCNA representatives met the Hon. David Davis MLC, Liberal Member for Southern Region in the Legislative Council, at the Barak Beacon site to brief him on the BCNA’s concerns. The BCNA’s concerns relate to excessive height (the government stated that 4-5 storey buildings were envisaged in 2022, yet towers of 9 and 11 storeys are now proposed), and the significant increase in residents and cars without any enhancement of local infrastructure, as explained in a submission to Homes Victoria.

    The Hon. Georgie Crozier MLC, Liberal Member for Southern Region in the Legislative Council, has asked formal questions about the project. Her question to the Minister for Planning and the Minister’s response is shown here and in an Adjournment Debate is shown here.

    An article (paywall) in today’s Age explains local residents’ concerns and government plans for the redevelopment.

    St Kilda Ferry Service from Beacon Cove

    BCNA representatives recently met the operators to discuss services from Beacon Cove (behind Mr. Hobsons café) and the functioning of the Waterfront Place precinct. St. Kilda ferries run a service, weather permitting, from Beacon Cove to St. Kilda and Williamstown and return. They also operate sunset penguin cruises. Click here for details of services and the timetable.