Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

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    Wednesday 30 September 2009

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Committee 2009-2010

    Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc.
    (Registered Number A0012597Z)

    Committee 2009-2010

    Eddie Micallef 9645 1185

    Vice President
    Greg Mate 9681 7441

    Trevor Nink 9681 8283

    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850

    General Committee Members
    Rosalie Holmes 9646 1961
    Bob Harrison 9645 2115
    Alistair Watson 9646 1719
    Glenda Beale 9676 2151

    Public Officer
    Dana Hlavacek 9649 8850

    Monday 28 September 2009

    Emergency Training Exercise at Coode Island 30 September

    Emergency Training Exercise at Coode Island 30 September

    Please note that a training exercise to test emergency plans at the Port of Melbourne will be held on Coode Island on Wednesday 30 September between 9am and 1pm.Fire vehicles and smoke created from a smoke machine may be seen from Coode Island during the training exercise. Attached is a notice regarding the exercise which can also be viewed on the Community News pages at Port of Melbourne Corporation's website: Community members seeking further information can contact:Jenny BygraveCommunity Relations ManagerPort of Melbourne CorporationPort of Melbourne Community Contact Line: 1300 857 662Email:

    2009 AGM President's Report

    President’s Report to the 2009 Annual General Meeting 23 September 2009

    I present my first report as President of the Association which has been a productive year with the association taking up a broad range of issues on behalf of the residents. I will outline some of the activities in the report some of, which are ongoing.

    Princes Pier.

    In the Victorian Budget, another $20 million was allocated over the next two years to complete the Princes pier and gatehouse restoration project. The Minister for Major Projects Victoria (MPV) visited the site for the announcement. BCNA seeks to participate in a reconvened consultative group and is working with City of Port Phillip (CoPP) and local MP Martin Foley to achieve the best community outcomes.

    Beacon Cove Landscaping.

    The desolate landscape of the small parks in Beacon Cove has seen a wonderful greening occur after drought tolerant Kikuyu based turf was laid in Mariposa Place, Beacon Vista Park, Australis Place and Park Square and at Waterfront Place. All turf will receive 6 months of watering with recycled water to allow it to gain root and become self-sustaining. Additionally new drought tolerant trees have been planted to replace dead species and to add shade to the bare sections of the landscape in Beacon Cove, Garden City Reserve and Beach Street. Congratulations to CoPP on a job well done.

    Promenade Maintenance

    The seawall at the start of Beacon Vista has been breached for a number of years. Finally we are now pleased to advise MPV complete the works in August.
    After frequent submissions from BCNA, and representation from CoPP and Martin Foley, MPV has repaired the entire damaged pavement in front of Towers.
    Additionally the vegetation near First Point Beach townhouses and Tower 5 has been recently repaired.

    Garden City Reserve

    BCNA gave support to Port People (PP) in approaches to CoPP for the inclusion of the upgrade to Garden City Reserve in this year’s Budget. The Budget was approved and we can all see the work underway. New and widened pathways are now complete. Well-considered new trees have been planted to follow pathways and to create interesting vistas in the landscape. Work on the new playground is underway other works are to be completed in the coming Council year of 2009/2010. PP, Janet Bolitho and CoPP personnel have done a great job in working through the details and issues.

    Sandridge Beach Landscape

    CoPP conducted community consultation that decided on an option with fewer new trees for revitalisation of Sandridge Beach foreshore. This option will be staged with gradual removal of undergrowth and uplift of trees to see the impact before completing all activities. BCNA was active in suggested this staging to allow residents to reconcile differing views. A further consultation is now due. Tenders close in September for the hard items of lighting, paths, furniture, shower and playground equipment. Construction should take place as in October-November.

    Creation of BCNA website

    A new and exciting BCNA Website has been established to provide more current communication to members and links to other useful local sites. Additionally all Newsletters, AGM notices, social event details, contact addresses and our Aims and Aspirations will be accessible. It is an Eblog site developed by Committee member Glenda Beale after suggestion from a member at a social event. It will be a closed blog site with author access granted to the President, Secretary and Treasurer/Public Officer.
    A Feedback BCNA Gmail account has been set up to forward to both President and Secretary for formal monitoring and response as required. Committee understands that all postings will be available to the public, and the normal due diligence as applied on newsletter publication is to be maintained.
    A private mailbox account has been established for BCNA at the General Store (61/103 Beach Street).

    Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) - Webb Dock & Station Pier

    The BCNA has regular meeting with the PoMC to receive latest updates on Webb Dock development and its impact on residential amenity. These meeting are set in an environment of frank discussions and are ongoing. Key issues for us are road traffic, noise barriers, rail link and light spillage from an increased capacity of shipping containers and the operations that will follow.
    Your committee has toured the Station Pier facility on cruise ship days and appreciates the decision made to close public access. However we are still working on a better access solution for the future.

    Community recognition of Michael Blyth

    Your committee has placed a submission to a CoPP committee to have a Bench seat established in front of tower 3 with a plaque acknowledging Michaels contribution - however approval from MPV is required Discussions are currently under way with MPV and CoPP to finalise the recognition.

    CoPP Budget Submission

    The BCNA prepared a detailed submission to the CoPP budget process and the secretary spoke to the submission at a special CoPP budget evening. A formal reply has been received from the Mayor and Committee is following up on a number of action areas.

    Beacon Cove Planning Scheme Amendments

    Residential area of Beacon Cove planning scheme amendment will be going to council in Sept/Oct seeking Council endorsement to formal public exhibition. We are in the process of having information sessions set up to explain the content and process of this complex activity. The latest timetable of mid 2010 completion remains, even though the detail of work often appears daunting.
    The planning changes for the Commercial area are being worked through and decisions will be 6 months away. CoPP is talking to MPV around these issues.

    1-11 Waterfront Place

    The Committee is concerned about the lack of transparency of actions and decisions that might take place in the redevelopment of this site. Potential exists not only to amend covenants but also to rezone the property if the State wants to fast track large construction works. Our aim is still to include proposals within context of the Urban Design Framework (UDF) where BCNA expects to be represented on a community consultative committee.

    Social Information Activities

    Claire Castle Local Hotel around 40 people attended it was a great opportunity to socialise and network some constructive suggestions came forward as a result of discussions at the function.
    A PoMC information evening at the Port Education Centre and social evening dinner at Pier 35 Steak House after was most successful with around 50 residents participating. The quality of questions from residents was first class and PoMC will take on board the community input.

    Meeting with Mayor

    The Mayor Frank O’Connor and Ward Councillor Janet Bolitho attended July committee. It was a good opportunity for the Mayor to be briefed and get to know the committee members at the same time
    We have again this year worked with Port People an have regular joint meeting CoPP and PoMC to share information and determine joint actions as required.

    My sincere thanks to the BCNA committee who have taken on a substantial work load in a voluntary capacity and have achieved results for the community and enhanced the status of the BCNA.

    Eddie Micallef
    September 2009.

    Sunday 6 September 2009

    BCNA Annual General Meeting

    BCNA Annual General Meeting


    (Registered Number A0012597Z)

    Wednesday 23 September 2009

    The 2009 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 September 2009 at 6:30 pm for7:00 pm at the Sandridge Senior Citizens Club (Trugo Club) in Garden City Reserve, off Tucker Avenue, Port Melbourne.

    The AGM will be preceded by refreshments, cheese and biscuits.

    The State Member for Albert Park, Martin Foley MP, the Sandridge Ward Councilor, Janet Bolitho, and the Port Melbourne Place Manager of City of Port Melbourne, Steve Scott, have all kindly accepted to be guests of the Committee. Short presentations will be followed by a panel discussion. A question and answer session has been arranged with our guests to allow residents to hear directly from these key stakeholders in our neighbourhood.


    1. Attendance
    2. Apologies
    3. Minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting
    4. President’s Report
    5. Treasurer’s Report
    6. Election of Office Bearers and Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer/Public Officer, Secretary and Committee Members – refer to attached Nomination Form)
    7. Guest speakers, panel discussion, questions and answers
    8. General Business
    9. Close of Meeting

    Trevor Nink
    28 August 2009


    (Registered Number A0012597Z)

    Return to: Dana Hlavacek,
    Public Officer/Treasurer, BCNA,
    61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne, VIC 3207

    Return Date: Wednesday16 September, 2009

    I wish to nominate for the following position as Office Bearer or Member of the Committee of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association:

    Position: ………………………………………………………………..

    Name: ………………………………………………………………..

    Signed: …………………………………… Date: ………………..

    Address: ………………………………………………………………..


    Telephone: ..………………………………………………………………

    Mobile: ………………………………………………………………

    Email: .………………………………………………………………

    Nominated by: .………………………………………………………………

    Signed: .………………………………………………………………

    Seconded by: .……………………………………………………………...

    Signed: ..……………………………………………………………...

    NOTE: Only current financial members of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association are eligible to stand for any position on the Committee or to nominate or second a nomination. The annual dues for July 2009 to June 2010 are $10 per residence/family and are payable to the Treasurer.

    Trevor Nink
    28 August 2000

    Saturday 5 September 2009

    Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening

    Port of Melbourne Community Information Evening : Tuesday 8 September

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has invited Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) to update community members on port projects and planning for the future growth of the Port of Melbourne. It will also be the opportunity to better understand the joint planning of the Port Melbourne Waterfront by CoPP and PoMC.

    Where? : Life Saving Victoria, 200 The Boulevard, Port Melbourne.
    When? : Tuesday 8 September, 6:30 pm until 8:00 pm
    RSVP? : CoPP at 03 9209 6229 or