Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Tuesday 28 December 2021

    Further Update on Boat Landing Closure

    We have recently received the following further update from the City of Port Phillip regarding the closure of the Boat Landing next to Mr Hobsons on Station Pier.

    Officers have now engaged a contractor to undertake the necessary repair works. We are anticipating the contractor will commence the week commencing January 10th, subject to receipt of the necessary permits to undertake the works in time. The works are expected to be completed within 3-4 weeks, therefore we anticipate the boat landing being reopened in early February, upon final inspection confirming it is safe to do so.

    In the interim the St Kilda Ferry will continue to operate from the Eastern boardwalk adjacent Mr Hobsons restaurant as per the current agreement. Priority access has been given to the ferry during the normal docking times to assist with their operations.

    Wednesday 22 December 2021

    Update on Anti-hoon Programs

    Since our last update, the City of Port Phillip’s recently hired mobile CCTV trailer has been in action at Station Pier along with a tactical camera, electronic signs, and additional police patrols. These measures have had an immediate, beneficial impact.  Hoon activity has dropped markedly.

    BCNA representatives recently met the Hon. Josh Burns, MHR, the Federal member for Macnamara to discuss BCNA’s advocacy for longer term measures to stop hooning. He has offered support for our work and a joint community forum is being considered.

    We understand that Victoria Police representatives have met City of Port Phillip Councillors to outline their support and proposal for hoon-related bylaws as explained earlier.

    It is important to report hoon driving and vehicle noise. If incidents are not reported and recorded, the Police do not know about them. If you witness hoon driving and vehicle noise, Victoria Police recommend:

    • Call 000 immediately if dangerous driving is occurring. Do not be fobbed off by the operator if you are told “we already know about it”. Insist on your report being taken.
    • Report incidents to Crime Stoppers at as this helps police to target repeat offenders and to focus on specific locations. If safe to do so, film video of incident and upload to Crime Stoppers.

    Planning Application for 81 Beacon Vista

    Beacon Cove is unique in that it is a planned estate. It was developed by Mirvac with the Victorian Government from the mid-1990s. The BCNA’s view is that the best way to preserve the features that we value is for all developments to comply with the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. If necessary, the BCNA objects to developments that threaten integrity of the planned estate as explained here.

    The BCNA objected to the original plans for 81 Beacon Vista in May 2021 as we believed they did not comply with the Neighbourhood Character Overlay Schedule 3 of the planning scheme as explained here. In response to concerns raised by the BCNA and others, amended plans were submitted to Council. The amended plans removed the second storey addition to the tower, increased the setbacks to the south elevation, reduced the extent of the ground floor extension and nominated the location of the pool equipment cupboard and air conditioning units. The amended plans were re-advertised. Further objections were raised about the form and height of the roof of the first-floor level additions, the projection of the garage and overshadowing to the south. Following a consultation meeting in September, the applicant agreed to change the form and reduce the height of the first-floor level roof.

    At its meeting on 8 December, the City of Port Phillip's (council's) Planning Committee approved the amended plans. The BCNA welcomes the improvements to design but is disappointed that the council has approved the garage being brought forward as it contravenes the objectives of Neighbourhood Character Overlay Schedule 3 which seeks to minimise the visibility of garages on Beacon Vista.

    Friday 3 December 2021

    Further on the Closure of the Beacon Cove Boat Landing

    We have received the following update from the City of Port Phillip on this issue: 

    "The full chain link fencing has now been erected around the boat landing and will remain in place until repairs are undertaken. We are working with a contractor at the moment to obtain a quote and timeline of availability to undertake the works and we will be trying to complete these as quick as possible so we can safely reopen the boat landing.

    "Council has been working with the operators of the St Kilda ferry service to identify alternate arrangements so that they can recommence their service from Port Melbourne as planned this weekend. We have agreed that they can land against the lower Eastern Boardwalk promenade (next to Mr Hobsons restaurant) in the interim. This will require them to have their gangplank across the lower boardwalk during their sailings which will limit access to a small section of the lower boardwalk. The upper boardwalk and pedestrian path on the carpark side of the restaurants will remain accessible. Council have arranged bollards and tape to go around the gangplank whilst it is across the boardwalk which the ferry operator will be responsible for putting out. The gangplank will be stored away as usual after their last sailing each day reinstating full access. The ferry will be sailing this Saturday and Sunday (4th and 5th December) and then each Friday/Saturday/Sunday thereafter. This is a temporary arrangement and the ferry will move back to using the boat landing once repairs have been made. The tenants in the restaurants have been informed of this arrangement."

    We'll continue to keep you posted with any updates.

    Tuesday 30 November 2021

    Temporary Closure of Beacon Cove Boat Landing

    We have just received a letter from the City of Port Phillip which announces that the Beacon Cove boat landing is to be closed until further testing has taken place and any necessary remedial works completed.

    This will have implication for the St Kilda - Williamstown ferry service and other boats that use this landing.

    Your committee has contacted the CoPP to better understand the issue and can report the following. After further inspection of the pier, consultants have advised there are 3 pylons requiring replacement. The pier has been fenced off as of 29 November and urgent arrangements to replace the pylons are being put in place. The CoPP is aware of the unfortunate timing coming in to summer and is working to expedite treatment and return the site to public usage as soon as possible.

    Thursday 25 November 2021

    Council News Affecting Beacon Cove

    The BCNA regularly meets Gateway Ward Councillors to discuss issues of mutual interest. At our meeting on 8 November with the Mayor, Marcus Pearl, and Councillors Cunsolo and Martin we discussed:

    • Local Laws to stop hooning: The BCNA contacted Gateway Ward Councillors in October and asked if Port Phillip council would consider introducing similar Local Laws as other Councils have done. Councillors are waiting on a meeting with Victoria Police to hear and discuss the proposal. 
    • Safety concerns with shared paths in the area: This was explained in a recent news item.
    • 103 Beach Street (the Foodstore site): The BCNA raised three issues. One, the plaza area in front of the building should be redeveloped at the same time as the building. Second, car parking to the north of the building, which is on crown land, should be reviewed and redesigned with a view to increasing car parking spaces (five spaces will be resumed by the owner for the building). Third, it is desirable that the tram line duplication occurs at the same time as the building. All measures should be considered and scheduled to minimise disruption to the community.
    • Princes Street drain: Peter Smith, the CEO of the City of Port Phillip, has met representatives from Melbourne Water to discuss the health and amenity concerns as explained here. The BCNA will arrange a meeting with Melbourne Water.
    • Traffic management in Graham Street and on Williamstown Road: The BCNA raised issues at our July meeting. More recently, residents’ have raised concerns about the right turn from Plummer Street into Woolworths. Councillors agreed that this was a concern and plan to ask that this is included in a wider traffic safety study.
    • Accessing Council’s website:  Many residents find navigating Council’s revamped website difficult. Councillors are aware of this. They asked that residents could provide feedback to the Mayor, Marcus Pearl, at
    • Out of character light poles installed by CitiPower: CitiPower replaces defective light poles as required and instals temporary ‘out of character’ poles until Council supplies a matching ‘goose neck’ style pole. Recently, there has been a delay in installing replacement poles. The Mayor, Marcus Pearl, agreed to check on this.
    • Overflowing rubbish bins along the foreshore: With lots of people visiting the foreshore at weekends there is often an overflow of rubbish, made worse if bins are not emptied early in the day. Councillors are aware of the problem. They requested residents to report overflowing bins by using Council’s ASSIST reporting service, or to use the ‘Snap Send Solve’ app. This action helps Council to direct resources to problem locations.

    Artisan market - Saturday 4 December 2021

    This is a free community event run by Port Melbourne Business Association (PMBA) for one day only, the Port’s Artisan Christmas Market supported by local community groups, businesses, Rotary, and the City of Port Phillip.

    It will be held in Bay Street, Port Melbourne from 12 noon to 7pm on Saturday 4 December.

    Consisting of around 150 different and unique artisan offerings for you to browse, Port’s Artisan Christmas Market will feature a range of handmade, locally produced gifts, art pieces, designs, jewellery and more. Offering something for everyone, Port’s Artisan Christmas Market is the perfect one stop shop for a range of unique Christmas presents – so you can shop knowing you are supporting local businesses. 

    For more information, go to the PMBA website.

    Friday 19 November 2021

    BCNA’s Annual General Meeting Summary

    The BCNA held its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 11th November. For those who could not make it a copy of the President’s report to members is available here and a summary of the meeting is available here. The President, Eddie Micallef, particularly thanked Bill Fisher for his work as Secretary. Bill did not renominate for the position. Bill has put an enormous amount of work into the role and the Association is stronger for all his efforts.

    The BCNA was fortunate to arrange impressive speakers for the AGM. The Guest Speaker was the Mayor, Louise Crawford and her address to the meeting can be accessed here. The Hon. Martin Foley MP provided an update and both he and the Mayor answered questions. Superintendent Helen Chugg, in charge of the Port Phillip police area, spoke about Victoria Police’s summer program including anti hoon measures. Gateway Ward Councillors spoke about local issues, including Council’s decision to acquire a mobile CCTV unit to combat hoon driving.

    Click on the links below to view videos of the various presentations:

    New Mayor - Cr Marcus Pearl

    Congratulations to Gateway Ward representative, Cr Marcus Pearl who was elected mayor of the City of Port Phillip during the week. Cr Tim Baxter was elected deputy mayor.

    Tuesday 9 November 2021

    1-7 Waterfront Place Update

    VCAT arranged a compulsory meeting last Friday, 5th November, between the developer, the City of Port Phillip, and other parties. Such meetings are scheduled to find a resolution as explained earlier.

    Unfortunately, there was no resolution. This means it will proceed to a Hearing from 23-25th March 2022, if an agreement has not been reached earlier.

    AGM Reminder

    The AGM for the BCNA is being held this Thursday, 11th November at 6.30 pm.

    Financial members have been sent details with a Zoom link for this meeting. If you have not received the papers, contact

    We believe this AGM is something not to be missed. We are very pleased to have three speakers with authority across various aspects of Port Phillip life. The Hon. Martin Foley, MP will provide an update on local state issues. Minister Foley has been especially prominent in recent months as the Minister for Health. Our Guest Speaker from the City of Port Phillip is the Mayor, Louise Crawford. And Inspector Helen Chugg, Victoria Police’s Local Area Commander for Port Phillip, has accepted an invitation to speak about anti hoon programs and policing in general. Please join the Zoom meeting to hear about current issues and have your questions answered.

    Safety Concerns with Shared Paths

    The BCNA supports the upgrade of the Garden City shared path to improve connections for bike riders and make Beacon Road and Swallow Street safer for all users. Our earlier item included a map showing the route.

    The Garden City shared path is used by parents taking children to and from the Port Melbourne Primary School. It is particularly dangerous where pedestrians join the central path from Beacon Vista and Edina Close, as the warning signs that pedestrians are joining a shared path are poor. Garden City Reserve is a dog off leash area, so the scope for accidents with dogs and cyclists is high.

    We continue to have concerns for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists using all shared paths in Beacon Cove. There have already been accidents and ‘near misses’ and we think this will become greater as more cyclists use these paths.

    The BCNA has discussed our concerns with Gateway Ward councillors. Unfortunately, no improvements are in immediate prospect. The City of Port Phillip (Council) officers are proposing that Council’s Transport Safety team will monitor use of the Garden City shared path once the upgrade has been completed.  We hope they monitor the other shared paths as well.

    Sunday 24 October 2021

    Police Anti-Hoon Programs for Summer

    Since an earlier update, BCNA representatives met Acting Inspector Glen Finlay and Port Phillip district officers to discuss anti hoon programs for the summer months.

    Victoria Police propose a similar program to that used last summer at Station Pier. That is, the use of a mobile CCTV unit, a tactical camera, electronic sign, and increased patrols. These measures are important and led to a sharp decline in incidents. However, they need to be complemented by State and Council initiated measures.

    Police explained that several councils have introduced anti hoon Local Laws (two examples) and that they (the Police) are proposing to discuss the introduction of similar Local Laws with the City of Port Phillip and the City of Stonnington. The BCNA has contacted Gateway Ward Councillors and asked that they support the introduction of a comparable Local Law in the City of Port Phillip.

    It is important to report hoon driving and vehicle noise. If incidents are not reported and recorded, the Police do not know about them. If you witness hoon driving and vehicle noise, Victoria Police recommend:

    • Call 000 immediately if dangerous driving is occurring. Do not be fobbed off by the operator if you are told “we already know about it”. Insist on your report being taken.
    • Report incidents to Crime Stoppers at as this helps police to target repeat offenders and to focus on specific locations. If safe to do so, film video of incident and upload to Crime Stoppers.

    BCNA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

    The BCNA’s AGM this year is a Zoom Meeting. It will be held on Thursday 11th November 2021 at 6.30pm.

    Reports plus a link for the Zoom meeting have been sent to financial members. If you did not receive the reports, it may be because you are unfinancial, or that you have changed your contact details. Please contact the Treasurer ( to check.

    The Mayor, Louise Crawford, has accepted our invitation to be the Guest Speaker. The Hon. Martin Foley, MP has been invited to provide a brief report on local issues.  A police representative from the Port Phillip police district has been invited to provide a report about anti-hoon programs.

    Friday 1 October 2021

    Plans for 103 Beach Street (Foodstore Site)

    Since our last update, the developers have finalised plans to submit to the City of Port Phillip (Council). The proposal is for an ‘up market’ five-level building comprising twenty-two apartments, a supermarket and cafĂ©/bar on the ground floor, and two levels of basement parking.

    The entrance to the supermarket will be from the car park on the north side. Height will increase to eighteen metres. There is no change to the footprint of the building. There is little change in overshadowing of the public realm at the September equinox (from the previously approved plans) but more at the June solstice.

    The developer expects to submit plans to Council very soon. The plans will be advertised before being considered by Council. Ideally, the developer would like to commence construction early in January 2022. The construction phase is expected to take 18 months.

    The BCNA welcomes development at this site. We would like the proposed tram line duplication to occur at the same time as construction, thereby minimising disruption to the community. The BCNA will work with the developer and Yarra Trams to promote this. The BCNA would also like to see more car parking spaces provided on the north side of the building. We will discuss this with Council.

    The owners have undertaken to monitor and remove graffiti at the site when COVID restrictions allow.

    City of Port Phillip Commits to Anti-Hoon Measures

    Since our last update, the City of Port Phillip (Council) met on 15th September and considered a staff report on anti hoon measures. The report recommended continued work by Council officers, police, and the Department of Transport to prevent anti-social behaviour; the reduction of speed limits, physical barriers and the review of existing signs and parking restrictions in certain streets; and that Council officers advocate for the development and use of noise camera technology by police and the State Department of Transport and to report back to Council. These measures were agreed. Surprisingly, there was no recommendation that the City of Port Phillip acquire a mobile CCTV camera but continue to rely on borrowing the City of Stonnington’s unit.

    The BCNA contacted Gateway Ward Councillors Marcus Pearl, Heather Cunsolo, and Peter Martin ahead of the meeting and asked that they support Council acquiring a unit. Thanks to their efforts, Council agreed that a detailed report should come to Council in October for the purchase or hire of a mobile CCTV unit.

    The BCNA thanks Councillors Pearl, Cunsolo and Martin for their support on this issue.

    Thursday 9 September 2021

    1-7 Waterfront Place Developer Appeals to VCAT

    The developer of the site at 1-7 Waterfront Place has decided to appeal the City of Port Phillip's (CoPP) decision regarding the site to VCAT.

    The CoPP approved the developer’s plans at a Planning Committee meeting on 24 June, but with amendments to minimise overshadowing of the bike path at the winter solstice as explained here. The implications of CoPP's amendments mean that there would be a reduction in height from 10-storeys as explained here, and this is not acceptable to the developer.

    Details of the appeal are explained here.

    VCAT has scheduled a compulsory meeting between the CoPP and the developer for 5 November 2021. If there is no resolution at this meeting, there will be a hearing from 23-25 March 2022.

    BCNA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

    This year’s BCNA AGM will be held on Thursday 11 November 2021. It will be held either at the Trugo Club in Garden City Reserve, or by Zoom. We will confirm arrangements closer to the date. It will commence at 6.30 pm.

    Reports and the annual Financial Statement for the BCNA will be presented. The election of office bearers will occur. The Guest Speaker will be Inspector Helen Chugg, the Local Area Commander for Port Phillip Police Service Area. The BCNA has been working with Inspector Chugg to develop anti-hoon programs for the area.

    The Hon. Martin Foley, MP has been invited to provide a brief report on local issues.

    Financial members will be sent the agenda and papers in early October along with details about the venue.

    Tuesday 17 August 2021

    Plans for 103 Beach Street (the Foodstore Site)

    As reported earlier this site has new owners. It has been bought by the Luxcon group

    The BCNA is hoping to meet representatives of the owners very soon to hear about the plans. We will  pass on details as soon as possible.

    Council Support for Anti-Hoon Measures

    Since our last update, the BCNA has formally asked the City of Port Phillip (Council) to allocate funds for the purchase of one or more mobile CCTV units. We have also asked the Council to investigate the use of acoustic traffic cameras and to report back to Council later this year.

    The mobile CCTV units would be deployed by police to areas of need across the City of Port Phillip. The units serve as a deterrent to those considering anti-social behaviour and assist police in identifying offenders.

    The BCNA has been contacting other residents’ groups in Port Phillip to share information about anti hoon programs and to gain support for Council spending on anti hoon measures. Council will formally discuss the BCNA request at a future meeting.

    Monday 16 August 2021

    Town Planning, Covenants and Dispute Resolution in Beacon Cove

    Apologies to those who have seen this item before however, even though we posted on this subject back in 2017 and 2019, we still get lots of enquiries for assistance and support regarding planning controls and disputes. So to assist those who haven't seen it before we're reposting the relevant information.

    The BCNA supports upgrades to homes so long as changes comply with the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. Compliance iwth the planning scheme is the best way to maintain the unique character and amenity of Beacon Cove.

    From time-to-time residents seek advice on how to manage disputes regarding planning applications. The BCNA has prepared a short guide to assist members. Wherever possible, we encourage discussion with the owner to explain your concerns. Your concerns may be able to be resolved. 

    The BCNA position on planning controls and disputes can be downloaded here. There is also a permanent link to the document in the right hand column of our website under the heading "Reference Information and Documents" so that's where to look if you need it in future.

    Saturday 24 July 2021

    Anti-Hoon Programs and Victoria Police

    Since our last update, members of the BCNA and the Port Melbourne Road Safety Group (PMRSG) have met Inspector Helen Chugg, the officer in charge of the Port Phillip Police Service Area. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss current and longer-term measures to deter hoon behaviour such as those that we have advocated to the Hon Ben Carroll MP. They include the greater use of mobile speed cameras to respond to changing hoon venues, the introduction of acoustic cameras, and the strengthening of laws and penalties for some offences.

    Unfortunately, the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) was unsuccessful in obtaining a grant from the Victorian Government to purchase of a mobile CCTV unit like the one used last summer at Station Pier. The unit shown below was borrowed from the City of Stonnington. The BCNA has asked Gateway Ward Councillors to support Council purchasing a mobile CCTV unit for use across the municipality.

    Inspector Chugg agreed to meet the BCNA and PMRSG later this year to further discuss anti hoon measures and the program for Beacon Cove over the summer months. Inspector Chugg re-iterated the importance of reporting hoon behaviour as explained earlier. If it is not reported, police do not know about it.

    Council News Affecting Beacon Cove

    The BCNA regularly meets City of Port Phillip (CoPP) Gateway Ward Councillors to discuss issues of mutual interest. At our recent meeting on 13th July with the Deputy Mayor, Marcus Pearl, and Councillors Cunsolo and Martin we discussed:

    • Princes Street drain: The BCNA has proposed a joint approach to Melbourne Water to seek priority for an upgrade of this drain. This is due to health and amenity concerns as explained here.  We were told that a report is being prepared about options.
    • Safety concerns with the Princes Street pedestrian crossing (near the corner of Rouse Street): Nearby residents and the BCNA have raised safety concerns. As a result, the CoPP has installed warning signs in Princes and Rouse Streets to alert drivers to the presence of the pedestrian crossing. Temporary improvements in lighting are planned in 2021/22 before longer term improvements are considered in 2022/23. Once work has finished on the construction of the new apartments at 92 Beach Street and 2-4 Princes Street, traffic surveys will be undertaken to consider whether any permanent measures are required.
    • Need for a traffic management plan for the Graham Street/Williamstown Road intersection: Residents have asked about the safety of school children, cyclists and cars at this intersection given the opening of the Port Melbourne Secondary College in February 2022.
      The Councillors report that officers have been meeting with the Department of Transport and the Victorian School Building Authority to identify immediate safety improvements for surrounding streets. The Department of Transport is considering a reduction in the speed limit from 60 km/h to 40 km/h during school hours on Williamstown Road as well as a signalised pedestrian crossing to allow safe access to the new school. Council officers have advocated for a reduction in the speed limit on Williamstown Road from 60 km/h to 50 km/h. Additional safety measures are being considered for the intersection of Plummer and Graham Streets.

    Friday 2 July 2021

    Implications of Council’s Approval of Plans for 1-7 Waterfront Place

    The BCNA welcomes the City of Port Phillip's (CoPP) approval of plans for a building on the 1-7 Waterfron Place site.

    The BCNA recognises that there are differing views in the community about development on the site. We will continue to work with key stakeholders to achieve the best possible outcome for the community.

    The two amendments passed by the CoPP at its Planning Committee meeting on 24 June 2021 are about minimising overshadowing of the bike path along Waterfront Place at the June solstice. This is a requirement of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. It is stated in Design requirement B8 in Design and Development Overlay 23.

    The amendments passed by the CoPP are:

    • “…rooftop services to be sited and designed so as not to cast shadows to the bicycle paths along Waterfront Place at the June Solstice, between the hours of 12 midday and 3pm, and are not visible from Beach Street.”
    • “…the reduction in the built form of the development above the podium, so as not to cast shadows onto the bicycle paths along Waterfront Place, between the hours of 12 midday to 3pm at the June solstice.”

    Other than a reduction in building height, it is not clear how the design would need to change to comply with these amendments. If the changes are not acceptable to the developer, he may appeal to VCAT.

    Wednesday 30 June 2021

    Council Approves Plans for 1-7 Waterfront Place

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) approved plans for this site last Thursday night.

    The proposal is for a 10-storey (35 metres) mixed use building comprising 119 residences. The Ground Floor will have a gym, meeting rooms and shop, food, and drink premises. Further information about the building is shown in the CoPP Planning Committee paper.    

    The BCNA welcomes the Council’s decision. We have long sought a resolution about use while trying to achieve a good outcome for the community.

    The approved plans incorporate design improvements following further feedback from the community, the Office of the Victorian Government Architect and Heritage Victoria. The BCNA has had constructive discussions with the developer during the design phase.

    At Thursday night’s meeting, the Council agreed to amendments sought by objectors, including the BCNA, to ensure compliance with the Design requirement B8 (of the Design and Development Overlay 23) “Development should minimise overshadowing beyond the southern kerb line of Waterfront Place between 9 am and 3 pm at the June solstice.” The BCNA believes the plans did not comply as a high proportion of the bike and pedestrian paths were in shadow from 9am to 3pm. Sunlight into this area is highly valued as residents and visitors have enjoyed year-round sun since inception of the Mirvac designed estate in the 1990s. The Council’s amendments have the effect of allowing sunshine onto the bike path along Waterfront Place from 12 noon to 3pm.

    Two artist’s depictions of the building are shown below:

    View from South East

    View from South West

    New Owners for 103 Beach Street (Foodstore Site)

    This site has new owners.  

    The new owners are making some amendments to Council’s approved plans. The amendments include a third basement level. This will allow all loading/unloading to be handled on a basement level.

    The new owners hope to commence construction later this year - construction is expected to take about 18 months. When more details are available, we will pass them on.

    Record Membership

    Thank you to all who have renewed their memberships, or who have joined the BCNA in 2020/21. Membership continues to grow and is now 462, a new record for BCNA.  

    The BCNA continues to be active on your behalf in protecting and enhancing the amenity of the area. Our last newsletter as well as posts to this website explain the issues we are involved with on your behalf.

    Wednesday 23 June 2021

    Princes Street Storm Water Drain

    The BCNA has been advocating for an upgrade to this drain for many years. Storm water discharges directly onto Port Melbourne beach and after heavy rain events a large area of the beach can be covered with an unsightly scum. For example:

    The discharge constitutes a health hazard and the pond at the mouth of the drain is an attractive area for children. The discharge also presents a poor image to tourists and visitors.

    The drain is the responsibility of Melbourne Water.

    The BCNA has discussed our concerns with Councillors Pearl, Cunsolo and Martin and recently raised them at a meeting with Louise Crawford, Mayor of the City of Port Phillip. The BCNA is proposing that the drain be given priority for an upgrade by Melbourne Water.

    Fishermans Bend Secondary College - Community Input Sought for Name

    Anyone who drives through the intersection of Plummer and Graham Streets will notice the emerging bulk of the new Fishermans Bend Secondary College. The form of the school in the shape of a ship is readily apparent and work is focused on finishing the outside skin and moving into the internal fit out.

    The state-of-the-art school will have an enrolment capacity of 1,100 students and is scheduled to open in February 2022 with a cohort of Y7 students from its designated catchment. Beacon Cove fits within that catchment, with Bay St forming the dividing line between the school and the existing Albert Park College.

    The school showcases an environmentally sustainable design and will feature high-tech amenities with a strong focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and maths). There will also be an array of arts, food technology, sports and Learning Resource Centre spaces that can be shared with the community.

    Facilities will include the following:

    • Gymnasium with competition-grade basketball and netball facilities
    • Food technology area with commercial-grade kitchen and canteen
    • Performing arts amenities
    • Fabrication lab 
    • Robotics workshop
    • 200-seat lecture theatre 
    • Outdoor terraces
    • Urban garden with recreational ball sports areas
    • Kitchen garden

    An architectural perspective of the new school fitting into its surrounds is illustrated below.

    The school carries an interim name of Fishermans Bend Secondary College but community input to its permanent name is now being sought. You can have your say here.

    More details about the school, including design parameters, community feedback to date and other pictures can be found here.

    Garden City Bike Path

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) is proposing to upgrade the path to improve connections for bike riders by linking Garden City Reserve to the Sandridge and Bay Trail shared path networks.

    The project is designed to improve access for bike riders and make Beacon Road and Swallow Street safer for all users. The new bike trail is denoted green in the map below.

    CoPP staff recently provided a briefing to the BCNA. Design and safety concerns were discussed. CoPP staff have undertaken to examine our concerns.

    The upgrade is included in CoPP's draft budget for 2021/22. The expected cost is $1.512 million.

    More information is shown on the CoPP's website here.

    Sunday 13 June 2021

    Cat Found in Beacon Cove

    Is this young puss, YOUR CAT?? 

    If this is your cat, or you know to whom he belongs, please call Shirley on 0418 510 516. Also please ask your neighbours. Click here for an A4 sheet with his photo if you want to print something out.

    Wednesday 12 May 2021

    New Plans for 1-7 Waterfront Place

    Following the consultation meeting in March the developer has lodged new plans (Application Number 490/2020, the revised plans are marked as S57A) with the City of Port Phillip (CoPP). The new plans incorporate design improvements following feedback from the community, the Office of the Victorian Government Architect and Heritage Victoria.

    The BCNA welcomes the improvements in design. The improvements include an increase in the tower setback on the western edge, an increase in tower and podium setbacks on Waterfront Place, and an increase in basement car parking.

    The BCNA remains keen to see a resolution as to use of the site. We have requested the CoPP to work collaboratively with all parties to find a resolution.

    The BCNA’s primary concerns with the earlier plans were about insufficient parking within the building for residents, retail services and users of the gym; and overshadowing of the bike and pedestrian paths. The new plans are proposing a greater allocation of parking to residents. However, we would like to see more parking spaces allocated to users of the gym and retail services, so avoiding building users parking in nearby streets. Overshadowing of the bike and pedestrian paths along Waterfront Place remains a concern as the developer has not sought to minimise overshadowing at the Winter Solstice as required by the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. Most of the bike and pedestrian paths will remain in shadow. The BCNA has decided to object, primarily, about overshadowing of the bike and pedestrian paths at the Winter Solstice and has requested a greater allocation of parking spaces to users of the gym and retail services.  The BCNA submission can be found here.

    The CoPP will now consider feedback from the community about the revised plans. The BCNA encourages members to look at the plans and respond directly to the council online.

    BCNA Objects to Development at 81 Beacon Vista

    There is a proposal (Application Number 902/2020) at 81 Beacon Vista to undertake a partial demolition, alterations and additions, and the construction of ground, first and second floor additions. The BCNA has decided to object to this development because it would substantially change the character of the area. The BCNA believes the proposal does not comply with the Neighbourhood Character Overlay of the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.

    81 Beacon Vista is a residence with a distinct tower form on a corner block. The proposed extension to the tower is not in keeping with the surrounding area. The addition also imposes massing and visual bulk to the detriment of the surrounding area. Overall, the proposal is not in keeping with the policies for development in the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.  The BCNA submission can be found here. The BCNA encourages members to look at the plans and respond directly to the council online.

    Draft Council Plan and Draft Budget 2021/22

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) has released a draft Council Plan 2021-31 and a draft budget for 2021-22.

    Proposed capital works for Port Melbourne are shown on pages 62-63 of Council’s draft Plan and includes funds for Station Pier Jetty and Boardwalk Renewal, and a toilet upgrade at Waterfront Place.

    Councill’s draft budget for 2021/22 shows an expected surplus of $14 million. It assumes a rate increase of 1.5%. Details are shown on the City of Port Phillip’s website at Comments on both documents will be received up until 23rd May 2021.

    Tuesday 20 April 2021

    Our Latest Newsletter is Out

    Volunteers are currently dropping copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:

    • Vale Richard Nowotny
    • Hoon driving and noise
    • 1-7 Waterfront Place
    • Creation of Ports Victoria
    • Beacon Cove Foodstore Redevelopment - 103 Beach Street
    • Council budget submission
    • BCNA residents' dinner

    To get it (in PDF form), click on this link.  And please send it onto others in Beacon Cove who may not see our webpage or get the email notification.

    Tuesday 30 March 2021

    Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place

    The City of Port Phillip (CoPP) convened a consultation meeting for the developer and objectors last Tuesday, 23rd March at the Port Melbourne Town Hall. The CoPP's consultation meetings are designed to try and resolve planning issues before they are considered by the Council.

    The developer’s representatives attended as did around 11 Objectors. The BCNA representatives attended and spoke to concerns about insufficient on-site parking and overshadowing of the bike and pedestrian paths at the winter solstice as explained in our submission. These and other concerns were raised at a webinar organised by the developer last December.

    The developer’s representatives explained that they have addressed some of the concerns of objectors. They specifically mentioned parking within the building for retail staff and have increased the set-back of the building from the boundary to the west. The changes will be incorporated in revised plans to be submitted to Council.

    Collectively, objectors mentioned the following: current difficulties of parking in the area and the need for greater parking provision within the building for retail staff and visitors; increased traffic as a result of the development; a 'large mass' building; scale and density not in keeping with the area; overshadowing of bike and pedestrian paths at the winter solstice; building setbacks; impact on heritage railway station; that the building does not reflect the maritime heritage of the area; that the area was planned by Major Projects Victoria and Mirvac to be for low rise community use; and that there is nothing of interest for cruise ship patrons (i.e. no shops for tourists).

    All Gateway Ward Councillors attended. The next step is for the developer to submit revised plans. These will be advertised. Another consultation meeting may be held before officers develop recommendations for Council’s Planning Committee.

    Hoon Driving and Vehicle Noise

    Since our last update, the BCNA and the Port Melbourne Road Safety Group (a group of residents formed to combat hoon driving and other road safety issues) have undertaken research into anti-hoon laws and remediation programs in other states. The research proposes greater use of mobile speed cameras to respond to changing hoon venues, the introduction of acoustic cameras, the strengthening of laws and penalties for some offences, enhancements to existing road safety programs, streamlined reporting of hoon driving and related noise events, and greater publicity around arrests of hoon drivers and confiscation of vehicles.

    These proposals have been summarised in letters to our local state member, The Hon Martin Foley MP, and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, The Hon Ben Carroll MP.  These letters, such as the one to Minister Carroll, have emphasised the impact on mental health and well-being of the instances of hoon driving and excessive vehicular noise.  We are also pleased to observe the continued police focus on noise and hoon driving, as reported by Victoria Police’s Inspector Helen Chugg's Eyewatch report for the Port Phillip Police Service Area.   

    In a further development, the Port Melbourne Road Safety Group has been asked to add hoon jet skis to its agenda. Preliminary discussions have been held with Lifesaving Victoria and a related article on this issue is below.

    Jet Ski Behaviour

    Jet skis are classified as personal watercraft (PWC) and must be registered, with the rego number displayed on the side of the vessel. To drive a jet ski, one needs a marine licence with a PWC endorsement and to attain that, one needs to be at least 16 years old. Jet skis typically weigh around 350kg and have top speeds of 60 to 100kph, so they can be lethal in the wrong hands. In 2016, a swimmer was killed by a jet ski in Port Melbourne waters.

    The primary restriction governing jet ski use apply within 200 meters of shore in enclosed waters. This limit is marked by yellow poles at most beaches in the City of Port Phillip and typically no boats are allowed inside this zone or only at a maximum of 5 knots (roughly jogging pace). The location of these areas along the Port Melbourne shoreline is outlined below (download larger image here). Each yellow X signifies a pole.

    Jet skis must also slow to 5 knots within 50 meters of a person, another vessel or a fixed or floating structure. If within the 5-knot zone, operators of jet skis are required to:

    • navigate the jet ski in the safest most direct course to and from the shore. The shore includes the beach, boat ramp or berthing facility including a jetty, pier or mooring.
    • avoid any irregular riding or freestyling within the five knot speed restriction zones, for example, donuts, circles, weaving.

    If you see a jet ski contravening these restrictions, or being operated in a dangerous or life-threatening manner, record the registration number, and immediately call '000' to report the incident to the Police.

    Friday 12 March 2021

    BCNA’s Budget Submission to Council

    BCNA representatives recently met Gateway Ward Councillors Marcus Pearl, Heather Cunsolo, and Peter Martin and discussed the BCNA’s submission for Council’s upcoming budget. Topics discussed included redevelopment of the Waterfront Place precinct which BCNA has advocated for several years, support for the redevelopment of the Port Melbourne Life Saving Club’s proposal for a family reserve near the club and an upgrade of toilets and change rooms, and improved cleaning of the beach near the Princes Street drain. The BCNA submission can be accessed here.    

    Progress on 103 Beach Street (Foodstore Site)

    The City of Port Phillip approved the building plans in December 2020. The developer is discussing plans with several local and large residential property selling agents before marketing and pre-selling commences. The proposal is for a four-storey development of similar height to the existing building, comprising 15 apartments with retail premises on the ground floor. Construction is expected to take about 18 months.

    Ports Victoria

    The Victorian Government has announced the creation of a new entity, Ports Victoria. The new organisation will be the result of merging the Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) (VPCM) with the Victorian Regional Channels Authority (VRCA). The merger is designed to rationalise back-office systems, cut ‘red tape’ and boost safety. The new organisation will commence business on 1 July 2021. Station Pier continues as a berth for cruise ships and other boats. Further details can be found here.

    Treasurer for BCNA

    Graham Kemp, a BCNA member, has joined the Committee and takes on the Treasurer role. Graham has qualifications in business and accounting and is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA). We welcome Graham to the Committee.

    Monday 8 February 2021

    Further Update on Hooning at Station Pier

    Since our last update, the BCNA has written to the Mayor and Councillors about the hooning problem across the City of Port Phillip. Our letter acknowledged the work to date, and the improvement in behaviour, but asked Council to consider and invest in longer term measures. For example, portable CCTV cameras, improved lighting, an electronic sign, and the installation of a boom gate before the pedestrian crossing.

    BCNA members spoke to Councillors about our request at Council’s most recent meeting. This led to Council agreeing to seek costings on the purchase and implementation of mobile CCTV trailers with police. Also, to seek a grant for the purchase of a mobile CCTV camera.

    If you witness hoon driving and vehicle noise, please report it as we advised in December.

    The BCNA thanks Councillors Pearl, Martin and Cunsolo for their work with the community on the hooning problem. This has led to increased police presence in the area, the installation of an electronic sign and CCTV cameras.

    Local members and the BCNA will continue to meet Gateway Ward Councillors to discuss progress and further action. We also plan to meet the Hon. Martin Foley MP, and the Hon. Ben Carroll, Minister for Roads and Road Safety.

    Update on 1-7 Waterfront Place

    Since our last update the City of Port Phillip has confirmed that they will arrange a Webinar or a public meeting for the community to hear about the developer’s plans. This is likely to be held in about 4 weeks.

    Council is still waiting on advice from the Government Architect.

    BCNA Dinners

    For many years the BCNA has arranged quarterly dinners for residents and friends. Dinners were not held in 2020 due to the covid pandemic. The committee has decided not to resume these dinners at this time.

    Monday 18 January 2021

    Further Update on Hooning at Station Pier

    It seems that local BCNA members living near Station Pier and the BCNA have helped to get attention to the hooning problem. The City of Port Phillip is working closely with Victoria Police and this has led to increased police presence in the area. The Police have also installed a portable CCTV facility (see photo). This seems to have led to some better behaviour.

    The BCNA and local residents are meeting Councillors Cunsolo and Martin at Station Pier on Thursday to talk about progress and further action.

    No Blessing of the Waters This Year

    For those who enjoy the Greek Blessing of the Waters celebration at Princes Pier that usually takes place around this time of year, it seems it it won't take place this year.

    Neos Kosmos reports that "This year the Holy Archdiocese of Australia has announced that the special event will not take place in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth due to pandemic"