In the third week of December the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) brought down its interim decision on the action from the site owner to remove or vary the covenants at 1-7 Waterfront Place community centre.
BCNA and Save Port Melbourne Gateway objected to the action but VCAT decided in favour of the owner that it would allow variation to the covenants for a building up to 10 storey in line with Planning Scheme Amendment C104. This Amendment is awaiting final decision between the Department of Planning and the City of Port Phillip.
Discussions are also taking place to protect the pathway and bike trail from overshadowing at the winter solstice. Further information will be posted when it becomes available.
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
Events for your Diary
Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Garden City Shops, corner of Centre Road and Dunstan Parade
Sat 1, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach LSC Sat 15, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at North Port tram stop
Sat 5, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Port Melbourne Town Hall
Latest News
You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Monday, 22 December 2014
Port Capacity Project | Works Advisory Notice 22 Dec to 5 Jan
The final Port of Melbourne works update for 2014 can be downloaded here.
We wish you a happy and safe Christmas and thank you for your patience and support during the year.
Kind Regards
Brian Wilson
General Manager | Communications
Port of Melbourne Corporation
Direct: +61 3 9683 1464 | Mobile: +61 0409 423 583
We wish you a happy and safe Christmas and thank you for your patience and support during the year.
Kind Regards
Brian Wilson
General Manager | Communications
Port of Melbourne Corporation
Direct: +61 3 9683 1464 | Mobile: +61 0409 423 583
Webb Dock
Monday, 15 December 2014
Resident notification - 2015 Asian Cup
From Bernadene Voss, Deputy Mayor and Councillor - Sandridge Ward:
In preparation for the use of the soccer facility at JL Murphy Reserve for the 2015 Asian Cup, local residents will be receiving the notification (download here) letter this afternoon. Please pass on via your networks also.
It is still confidential who will be training at the grounds, but will let you know when I can.
Port Capacity Project | Works Advisory Notice 15-21 Dec
The latest Port of Melbourne works advisory notice can be downloaded here.
Please note the restrictions during specific areas of Webb Dock construction work during this week. For any queries please respond to the phone number provided.
Please note the restrictions during specific areas of Webb Dock construction work during this week. For any queries please respond to the phone number provided.
Webb Dock
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Liardet Street intersection with Bay Street
From Bernadene Voss, Deputy Mayor and Councillor - Sandridge Ward:
Just to let you know that for some reason Council doesn't have accurate data on the number of times and people that have raised this intersection as a community concern for safety.
Can I encourage you and and your groups to pass this message on and ask that anyone who agrees and feels strongly to let me know about it.?
T: 03 9209 6705
M: 0413 246 704
Private Bag No 3, St Kilda, Vic, 3182
Just to let you know that for some reason Council doesn't have accurate data on the number of times and people that have raised this intersection as a community concern for safety.
Can I encourage you and and your groups to pass this message on and ask that anyone who agrees and feels strongly to let me know about it.?
T: 03 9209 6705
M: 0413 246 704
Private Bag No 3, St Kilda, Vic, 3182
Bay Street,
City of Port Phillip
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Christmas Greetings
On behalf of the BCNA Committee we wish you the compliments of the festive season and thank all members for their contribution and support over a very eventful year.
You will note we have updated the appearance of the BCNA website and we will keep you posted with regular news events in the new year.
We have also recently loaded a lot of new information to the website so click here to check it out.
Eddie Micallef
Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
You will note we have updated the appearance of the BCNA website and we will keep you posted with regular news events in the new year.
We have also recently loaded a lot of new information to the website so click here to check it out.
Eddie Micallef
Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association
BCNA General
Monday, 8 December 2014
Port Capacity Project | Works Advisory Notice 8-13 Dec
The latest Port of Melbourne works advisory notice can be downloaded here.
Please note the restrictions during specific areas of Webb Dock construction work during this week. For any queries please respond to the phone number provided.
Please note the restrictions during specific areas of Webb Dock construction work during this week. For any queries please respond to the phone number provided.
Webb Dock
Thursday, 4 December 2014
3207 Beach Patrol - Saturday 13 December
The next beach clean will be at
Wear your Santa Hats!
3207 Beach Patrol website
9am, Saturday 13 December 2014
Meet at Port Melbourne Yacht Club
We are going to head south from the Port Melbourne Yacht Club to meet up with 3205 BeachPatrol South Melbourne coming north to have a joint cuppa with them.Wear your Santa Hats!
3207 Beach Patrol website
Friday, 31 October 2014
Restaurant Evening - Wednesday 19 November
Our final social event for 2014 will be held at
This venue was the location for one of our most memorable earlier dinners as we watched the ships passing up and down the river at sunset.
As usual we will start at 7:00 for 7:30 pm and the price is $50 per person cash as we enter (a gold coin for tips will be appreciated also). There will be a cash bar for drinks. The menu (click here to see it) allows for a variety of options, starting with tapas and concluding with a dessert and tea or coffee.
If any members wish to receive a ride to the restaurant then please advise me and we will arrange transport. Please also invite your neighbours and any newcomers to your area. It promises to be a great start to the festive season.
7:00 for 7:30 pm, Wednesday 19th November 2014
Pier 35, 263 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne
This venue was the location for one of our most memorable earlier dinners as we watched the ships passing up and down the river at sunset.
As usual we will start at 7:00 for 7:30 pm and the price is $50 per person cash as we enter (a gold coin for tips will be appreciated also). There will be a cash bar for drinks. The menu (click here to see it) allows for a variety of options, starting with tapas and concluding with a dessert and tea or coffee.
If any members wish to receive a ride to the restaurant then please advise me and we will arrange transport. Please also invite your neighbours and any newcomers to your area. It promises to be a great start to the festive season.
BCNA Social Events
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Committee 2014-15
The Committee elected at the 2014 AGM held on 9th October 2014 was
Eddie Micallef
9645 1185
| ||
Vice President
Greg Mate
9681 7441
| ||
Trevor Nink
9681 8283
| ||
Bill Fisher
9646 9639
| ||
Committee Members
| |||
Ron Cassano
9645 2560
| ||
Roger Joyce
9646 7489
| ||
Pam Montgomery
9646 7554
| ||
Libby Morrison
9645 1937
| ||
Richard Nowotny
9645 6870
BCNA General
President's Report 2014
The President's Report has just been published. Click here to download it.
Major items
- 1-7 Waterfront Place
- C73 Planning Amendment
- City of Port Phillip
- Port of Melbourne Corporation
- Port Melbourne Waterfront Re-Activation Plan
- Princes Pier - Expressions of Interest
- Fisherman's Bend - Our New Neighbour
- Social Events
Monday, 15 September 2014
Newsletter - September 2014
The latest newsletter has just been published. Click here to download it.
Major items
- 1-7 Waterfront Place – progress report
- C73 Planning Amendment – final report
- City of Port Phillip - budget for Beacon Cove projects
- Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC)Activities
- Fishermans Bend – Our New Neighbour
- Port Melbourne Waterfront Re-activation
- Next restaurant dinner
- 2014 Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
2014 AGM - Notice of Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association will be held at
There will be refreshments provided before the Meeting and guests to help explain to members what is happening next to us in the new Fisherman's Bend development. An update on BCNA activities will be provided by the President. The annual elections for office bearers and committee will be determined at the meeting – please fill in the nomination form as new committee members are always welcome.
Your Committee encourages you to participate on the evening.
Click here to download the formal notice of meeting.
6:30 pm for 7:00 pm, Thursday 9 October 2014
Trugo Club, Garden City Reserve
There will be refreshments provided before the Meeting and guests to help explain to members what is happening next to us in the new Fisherman's Bend development. An update on BCNA activities will be provided by the President. The annual elections for office bearers and committee will be determined at the meeting – please fill in the nomination form as new committee members are always welcome.
Your Committee encourages you to participate on the evening.
Click here to download the formal notice of meeting.
BCNA General
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Cruise Ships - Street warning signs
The Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) is preparing for the 2014/2015 Cruise season at Station Pier starting in late September. One of their issues is the effectiveness of the street signs placed at the entrances to Beach Street and Waterfront Place warning of heavy congestion on turnaround days and double sailings. As BCNA sought these warning notices some years ago we are asked whether community members see these as being helpful or, as some have reported, unhelpful as they could be confusing or a distraction for drivers.
PoMC would like to do away with the signs and BCNA is asking what the opinions of the local community are. Please advise over the next 7 days either continue or OK to remove. We will pass on the responses to PoMC.
PoMC would like to do away with the signs and BCNA is asking what the opinions of the local community are. Please advise over the next 7 days either continue or OK to remove. We will pass on the responses to PoMC.
Cruise Ships
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Restaurant Evening - Tuesday 12 August
The BCNA Committee invites you to our third social event for 2014. This will be held at
The evening’s menu will consist of:
The cost is $50 per person plus a gold coin gratuity (paid in cash on entry). Drinks are available as normal from a cash bar.
Please RSVP by Tuesday 5 August to Please advise in advance if you have a vegetarian preference.
It should be another great evening of fellowship. We look forward to catching up on 12 August. Book in yourselves, your neighbours or new arrivals to the neighbourhood.
7.00pm, Tuesday 12 August
Mr Hobson Restaurant at Station Pier
The evening’s menu will consist of:
- Shared starter of dips & antipasto
- Pan fried free range chicken breast with olive and pinenut pepperonata, sweet potato puree and pomme mousseline
- 12 Hour slow cooked beef cheek with braised red cabbage, peas, pumpkin mash & roasted beetroot
- Crispy Skin Salmon Fillet with potato croquette, caramelised baby onions, asparagus & cauliflower puree
- Chefs Selection of Petit Fours
The cost is $50 per person plus a gold coin gratuity (paid in cash on entry). Drinks are available as normal from a cash bar.
Please RSVP by Tuesday 5 August to Please advise in advance if you have a vegetarian preference.
It should be another great evening of fellowship. We look forward to catching up on 12 August. Book in yourselves, your neighbours or new arrivals to the neighbourhood.
BCNA Social Events
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Bay Street 40km/h Speed Signs
Today we received the following information from Sandridge Ward Councillor, Bernadene Voss. Please be aware of the lowering of speed limits!
You may have noticed them.... You may have seen they are still covered up ... But very shortly... Shoppers, residents and visitors to the Bay Street shopping strip are safer thanks to a reduction in the speed limit. Between 8am and midnight, the speed limit will be lowered from 60 to 40 km/h between Beach and Raglan streets. VicRoads expect the electronic signs for the reduced speed limit will beswitched on by the end of July.
The City of Port Phillip has lobbied VicRoads and the State Government for several years to reduce the speed limit in Bay Street. Its successful implementation is testament to the continued pressure and persistence of Council officers and the community.
The 40 km/h speed limit in Bay Street now falls in line with other shopping strips throughout Melbourne.Lowering speed reduces the likelihood and severity of crashes, especially to those most vulnerable, and encourages more walking and cycling, which enhances the vibrancy of the shopping strip.
You may have noticed them.... You may have seen they are still covered up ... But very shortly... Shoppers, residents and visitors to the Bay Street shopping strip are safer thanks to a reduction in the speed limit. Between 8am and midnight, the speed limit will be lowered from 60 to 40 km/h between Beach and Raglan streets. VicRoads expect the electronic signs for the reduced speed limit will beswitched on by the end of July.
The City of Port Phillip has lobbied VicRoads and the State Government for several years to reduce the speed limit in Bay Street. Its successful implementation is testament to the continued pressure and persistence of Council officers and the community.
The 40 km/h speed limit in Bay Street now falls in line with other shopping strips throughout Melbourne.Lowering speed reduces the likelihood and severity of crashes, especially to those most vulnerable, and encourages more walking and cycling, which enhances the vibrancy of the shopping strip.
Bay Street
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Restaurant Evening - Tuesday 13 May
Reminder that RSVP for this event is Thursday 9 May to
BCNA Social Events
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Friday, 25 April 2014
Newsletter - April 2014
The latest newsletter has just been published. Click here to download it.
Major items
- 1-7 Waterfront Place – update
- C73 Planning Amendment – update
- Port of Melbourne Activities
- Beacon Cove Promenade (shared cycle path)
- Social Events
- Fishermans Bend – Our New Neighbour
- Port Melbourne Waterfront Re-activation
Restaurant Evening - Tuesday 13 May
The BCNA Committee invites you to the second social event for 2014. This event will be held at
The menu at Dalmatino has a Croatian theme and a previous dinner at Dalmatino was enthusiastically received by the members who attended. Your Committee has arranged a two course menu comprising a shared entrees and a selection from four main courses. Coffee and a small sweet is also included. The cost is $45 per person (paid in cash on entry). Drinks are available at a cash bar. We encourage members to invite friends who are not yet members of BCNA so that they can hear about the work of the Association.
7.00pm, Tuesday 13 May
Dalmatino Restaurant
280 Bay Street Port Melbourne.
Your Committee is organising ongoing functions for 2014 at approximately three monthly intervals. You may wish to diarise the following dates: 12 August and 18 November. We will advise further details as each date comes closer.
RSVP by Thursday 9 May to
We look forward to catching up on 13 May.
RSVP by Thursday 9 May to
We look forward to catching up on 13 May.
BCNA Social Events
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Saturday, 1 March 2014
BCNA Rules of Association
Approved at AGM by special resolution 17 October 2013
Click here for a pdf version of the new approved rules of association
The Rules of Association for the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Incorporated were changed by special resolution of the members at the Annual General Meeting on 17 October 2014 and subsequently approved by the Consumer Affairs Victoria.
Click here for a pdf version of the new approved rules of association
The Rules of Association for the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Incorporated were changed by special resolution of the members at the Annual General Meeting on 17 October 2014 and subsequently approved by the Consumer Affairs Victoria.
BCNA General
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Committee 2013-2014
President Eddie Micallef | 9645 1185 | ||
Vice President Greg Mate | 9681 7441 | ||
Secretary and Public Officer Trevor Nink | 9681 8283 | ||
Treasurer Bill Fisher | 9646 9639 | ||
Committee Members | |||
Ron Cassano | 9645 2560 | ||
Roger Joyce | 9646 7489 | ||
Libby Morrison | 9645 1937 | ||
Richard Nowotny | 9645 6870 |
BCNA General
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
3207 BeachPatrol - Saturday 8 February
The next beach clean will be at
Bags will be provided as usual
Bring your own gloves if desired
Our event is registered to coincide with the Melbourne Sustainability Festival to raise awareness to the issue of beach litter and plastic waste. This festival presents a number of interesting speakers/movies on several aspects of environmentalism and sustainable living. Numerous stalls will be present for business offering more sustainable products.
3207 Beach Patrol website
Bags will be provided as usual
Bring your own gloves if desired
Our event is registered to coincide with the Melbourne Sustainability Festival to raise awareness to the issue of beach litter and plastic waste. This festival presents a number of interesting speakers/movies on several aspects of environmentalism and sustainable living. Numerous stalls will be present for business offering more sustainable products.
3207 Beach Patrol website
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Restaurant Evening - Tuesday 13 May
The BCNA Committee invites you to the second social event for 2014. This event will be held at
The menu at Dalmatino has a Croatian theme and a previous dinner at Dalmatino was enthusiastically received by the members who attended. Your Committee has arranged a two course menu comprising a shared entrees and a selection from four main courses. Coffee and a small sweet is also included. The cost is $45 per person (paid in cash on entry). Drinks are available at a cash bar. We encourage members to invite friends who are not yet members of BCNA so that they can hear about the work of the Association.
7.00pm, Tuesday 13 May
Dalmatino Restaurant
280 Bay Street Port Melbourne.
Your Committee is organising ongoing functions for 2014 at approximately three monthly intervals. You may wish to diarise the following dates: 12 August and 18 November. We will advise further details as each date comes closer.
RSVP by Thursday 9 May to
We look forward to catching up on 13 May.
RSVP by Thursday 9 May to
We look forward to catching up on 13 May.
BCNA Social Events
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
3207 BeachPatrol - Thank You

Thanks for coming out last weekend to help keep our beaches clean.
3207BP volunteers at the café afterwards
Thanks to those that were able to come out and clean the Sandridge beach last Saturday. The beach and the grass & tree area behind it were quite trashed by litter. We had about 20 volunteers turn up and they picked up approx. 2-1/2 of the green bags each during one hour. These hot days bring out the litterers unfortunately.
Friday, 3 January 2014
3207 BeachPatrol - Saturday 11 January
The next beach clean will be at
3207 Beach Patrol website
9am, Saturday 11th January 2014
Sandridge Beach
Sandridge Beach
Meet at Sandridge Life Saving Club
3207 Beach Patrol website