As reported earlier this site has new owners. It has been bought by the Luxcon group.
The BCNA is hoping to meet representatives of the owners very soon to hear about the plans. We will pass on details as soon as possible.
This is the web voice of the Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association, Inc., Port Melbourne, Australia. It provides information on who the association is, our aims and aspirations for our shared community, and information on our activities.
As reported earlier this site has new owners. It has been bought by the Luxcon group.
The BCNA is hoping to meet representatives of the owners very soon to hear about the plans. We will pass on details as soon as possible.
Since our last update, the BCNA has formally asked the City of Port Phillip (Council) to allocate funds for the purchase of one or more mobile CCTV units. We have also asked the Council to investigate the use of acoustic traffic cameras and to report back to Council later this year.
The mobile CCTV units would be deployed by police to areas of need across the City of Port Phillip. The units serve as a deterrent to those considering anti-social behaviour and assist police in identifying offenders.
The BCNA has been contacting other residents’ groups in Port Phillip to share information about anti hoon programs and to gain support for Council spending on anti hoon measures. Council will formally discuss the BCNA request at a future meeting.
Apologies to those who have seen this item before however, even though we posted on this subject back in 2017 and 2019, we still get lots of enquiries for assistance and support regarding planning controls and disputes. So to assist those who haven't seen it before we're reposting the relevant information.
The BCNA supports upgrades to homes so long as changes comply with the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. Compliance iwth the planning scheme is the best way to maintain the unique character and amenity of Beacon Cove.