Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

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    Tuesday 28 December 2021

    Further Update on Boat Landing Closure

    We have recently received the following further update from the City of Port Phillip regarding the closure of the Boat Landing next to Mr Hobsons on Station Pier.

    Officers have now engaged a contractor to undertake the necessary repair works. We are anticipating the contractor will commence the week commencing January 10th, subject to receipt of the necessary permits to undertake the works in time. The works are expected to be completed within 3-4 weeks, therefore we anticipate the boat landing being reopened in early February, upon final inspection confirming it is safe to do so.

    In the interim the St Kilda Ferry will continue to operate from the Eastern boardwalk adjacent Mr Hobsons restaurant as per the current agreement. Priority access has been given to the ferry during the normal docking times to assist with their operations.

    Wednesday 22 December 2021

    Update on Anti-hoon Programs

    Since our last update, the City of Port Phillip’s recently hired mobile CCTV trailer has been in action at Station Pier along with a tactical camera, electronic signs, and additional police patrols. These measures have had an immediate, beneficial impact.  Hoon activity has dropped markedly.

    BCNA representatives recently met the Hon. Josh Burns, MHR, the Federal member for Macnamara to discuss BCNA’s advocacy for longer term measures to stop hooning. He has offered support for our work and a joint community forum is being considered.

    We understand that Victoria Police representatives have met City of Port Phillip Councillors to outline their support and proposal for hoon-related bylaws as explained earlier.

    It is important to report hoon driving and vehicle noise. If incidents are not reported and recorded, the Police do not know about them. If you witness hoon driving and vehicle noise, Victoria Police recommend:

    • Call 000 immediately if dangerous driving is occurring. Do not be fobbed off by the operator if you are told “we already know about it”. Insist on your report being taken.
    • Report incidents to Crime Stoppers at as this helps police to target repeat offenders and to focus on specific locations. If safe to do so, film video of incident and upload to Crime Stoppers.

    Planning Application for 81 Beacon Vista

    Beacon Cove is unique in that it is a planned estate. It was developed by Mirvac with the Victorian Government from the mid-1990s. The BCNA’s view is that the best way to preserve the features that we value is for all developments to comply with the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. If necessary, the BCNA objects to developments that threaten integrity of the planned estate as explained here.

    The BCNA objected to the original plans for 81 Beacon Vista in May 2021 as we believed they did not comply with the Neighbourhood Character Overlay Schedule 3 of the planning scheme as explained here. In response to concerns raised by the BCNA and others, amended plans were submitted to Council. The amended plans removed the second storey addition to the tower, increased the setbacks to the south elevation, reduced the extent of the ground floor extension and nominated the location of the pool equipment cupboard and air conditioning units. The amended plans were re-advertised. Further objections were raised about the form and height of the roof of the first-floor level additions, the projection of the garage and overshadowing to the south. Following a consultation meeting in September, the applicant agreed to change the form and reduce the height of the first-floor level roof.

    At its meeting on 8 December, the City of Port Phillip's (council's) Planning Committee approved the amended plans. The BCNA welcomes the improvements to design but is disappointed that the council has approved the garage being brought forward as it contravenes the objectives of Neighbourhood Character Overlay Schedule 3 which seeks to minimise the visibility of garages on Beacon Vista.

    Friday 3 December 2021

    Further on the Closure of the Beacon Cove Boat Landing

    We have received the following update from the City of Port Phillip on this issue: 

    "The full chain link fencing has now been erected around the boat landing and will remain in place until repairs are undertaken. We are working with a contractor at the moment to obtain a quote and timeline of availability to undertake the works and we will be trying to complete these as quick as possible so we can safely reopen the boat landing.

    "Council has been working with the operators of the St Kilda ferry service to identify alternate arrangements so that they can recommence their service from Port Melbourne as planned this weekend. We have agreed that they can land against the lower Eastern Boardwalk promenade (next to Mr Hobsons restaurant) in the interim. This will require them to have their gangplank across the lower boardwalk during their sailings which will limit access to a small section of the lower boardwalk. The upper boardwalk and pedestrian path on the carpark side of the restaurants will remain accessible. Council have arranged bollards and tape to go around the gangplank whilst it is across the boardwalk which the ferry operator will be responsible for putting out. The gangplank will be stored away as usual after their last sailing each day reinstating full access. The ferry will be sailing this Saturday and Sunday (4th and 5th December) and then each Friday/Saturday/Sunday thereafter. This is a temporary arrangement and the ferry will move back to using the boat landing once repairs have been made. The tenants in the restaurants have been informed of this arrangement."

    We'll continue to keep you posted with any updates.