Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

    You can use the search options at lower right to find specific items.

    Monday 31 August 2015

    Webb Dock Works - Week commencing 31 August

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.

    Note that piling will resume at the southern end of Webb Dock West from 8th September. The piling will commence with the ‘raker’ piles which are generally louder.

    Friday 28 August 2015

    Our Latest Newsletter is Out

    Over the last week volunteers dropped copies of our newsletter in mailboxes throughout Beacon Cove. It covers a number of topics including:

    City of Port Phillip budget
    Pedestrian and cyclist safety along the promenade and shared path
    1-7 Waterfront Place
    Outcome of the Victorian Electoral Commission review of the City of Port Phillip
    Beacon Cove Foodstore redevelopment
    Webb Dock development
    Notice of AGM (Thursday 8 October)

    For those who would like an electronic copy, it can be downloaded here.

    City of Port Phillip CEO Update

    The latest City of Port Phillip (CoPP) CEO update can be downloaded here.  It has further information about what's happening with the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA).

    Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane - Further Update

    It seems there have been some delays with this and the interactive part of the Have Your Say web page and hard copies of the designs and feedback now won't be available until 2 September.

    The community information session will still be on Monday 7 September from 5-7pm at Port Melbourne Town Hall.

    For more information, please visit the Council's web page: and to register for further updates direct from the council email

    Thursday 13 August 2015

    PoMC closing down Webb Dock dedicated electronic communications

    We have been advised that the Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has taken the decision to close down the Port Capacity Project (Webb Dock development) dedicated electronic communications including the Project's website and the 'Webb Dock Live' real time works advisory platform and 'App'.

    Replacing these items will be a consolidated page on the PoMC website which can be found at  The new consolidated page is now live and the existing Port Capacity site and systems will be suspended on or before the end of the month.

    Tuesday 11 August 2015

    City of Port Phillip Updates

    We have received the following updates relevant to Beacon Cove residents from the City of Port Phillip (CoPP).  The final plan for the parking scheme now only seems to change parking rules in two small areas of Beacon Cove.

    Port Melbourne Parking Neighbourhood Scheme

    Thank you to all who participated in the consultation process between March and May 2015. The final plan for the Port Melbourne Parking Neighbourhood Scheme is now available on our website.

    Draft Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-24

    Do you or your family and friends participate in sports and recreational activities in the City of Port Phillip?  Take a look at our Draft Sport and Recreational Strategy for the next ten years and tell us what you think! Give us your feedback on the draft strategy by Friday 4th September.

    Love the Arts? Tell us Why?

    Thank you for your input to our review of arts services within the City of Port Phillip. A quick snapshot of the responses received during the June consultation can be seen here.

    Beach Street Separated Queuing Lane - Update

    We have received the following update from the City of Port Phillip (CoPP) on this proposed change. Sorry for the longer entry than usual but it was rather difficult to effectively summarise.

    Council is investigating options to improve the function of the roundabout and access for locals to Beacon Cove, by establishing a separated queuing lane to divert cruise ship/Spirit of Tasmania passengers. This is a key action identified with the community as part of the Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework. Council has appointed a Consultant team, which includes traffic and civil engineers, landscape architects, water engineers and traffic modellers.

    Phase one - what we heard 

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey, which closed on Friday 24 July. The draft success criteria that were developed with stakeholder and community representatives at a workshop held on 7 July 2015, were distributed to the broader community to review and provide comment, as well as add any additional criteria.

    The survey respondents nominated which criteria were most important to them and provided some additional narrative around their experiences and ambitions for this section of Port Melbourne. 
    A summary of feedback received can be downloaded here for your review.  A full report of the consultation feedback will be available on the website next week.

    Next steps 

    Your feedback from phase one has been provided to the consultant team and will help guide the draft concept design options. The feedback highlighted some preferences for protecting or improving certain elements of the public space, including heritage elements, parking, pedestrian and bike riding facilities, so this will be taken into consideration in developing the concept designs. Your feedback will also inform the final the success criteria, which will be used to assess the concept design options.

    The success criteria will also have input from Council technical staff and external stakeholders. This will include assessment of the designs for value for money, constructability, overall impact and scale of traffic improvement benefit.

    Next opportunity to have your say 

    Phase two of the community consultation commences in late August 2015. This will be the second opportunity to input into the concept design phase. You will be asked to rate each of the concept design options against the success criteria developed in phase one to help determine a preferred design.

    • Have your say online - the concept designs and feedback form will be available on Council’s Have Your Say website from Friday 28 August. 
    • Come to the drop in session on Monday 7 September - drop in any time between 5 pm and 7 pm at the Port Melbourne Town Hall. This will be an information session where you can view the concept designs and ask questions of the consultants and Council to help inform your feedback. It is recommended that you attend the session prior to lodging your feedback.
    • Pick up a hard copy of the designs and feedback form at the drop in session or at the Port Melbourne Town Hall ASSIST counter from Friday 28 August.  
    Community feedback will be considered along with input from technical consultants and Council.  A preferred concept will be presented for consideration at a Council meeting in late 2015. The preferred concept will be made available on Council’s web page along with a summary of the community’s feedback.

    More information

    For more information, please visit our web page: 
    To stay in touch, please register for project updates by emailing  
    To speak with the Project Manager, please contact ASSIST on 03 9209 6777.

    Monday 3 August 2015

    Recruiting volunteers to participate in the Waterfront Welcomer project for 2015-2016

    The Social Health and Inclusion Port (SHIP) Project is now recruiting volunteers to participate in the Waterfront Welcomer project for 2015-2016. Volunteers will be required to complete an 8 week course, 1 day per week, covering tourism, tour guiding, local community information and customer service. To find out more information check out this newsletter or contact Dani.

    Webb Dock Works 27 July - 2 August

    This week's works notice can be downloaded here.  It contains a useful diagram showing each of the different development areas in the Webb Dock precinct and when they are expected to reach completion.