Events for your Diary

  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
  • Latest News

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    Sunday 24 March 2013

    BCNA Newsletter March 2013

    BCNA Newsletter March 2013

    The Beacon
    Click here for the pdf version.

    The Beacon
    March 2013
    Newsletter of Beacon Cove Neighbourhood Association Inc (BCNA)
    BCNA aims and aspirations include providing a forum for all residents of Beacon Cove and abutting neighbourhoods to discuss key local issues with a view to preserving and enhancing the quality of life within the area.
    1-7 Waterfront Place
    The new planning guidelines for this site will be proposed to Council from 6:00 pm on Monday 25 March at St Kilda Town Hall. The guidelines, and the separate revised draft Urban Design Framework, will be posted to the CoPP website on Friday 22 March. BCNA, after its discussions last week with the Mayor and some Councillors, is very concerned that community expectations will not be sufficiently taken into account. After Council acceptance on 25 March, the authorisation of the Minister will be sought for the guidelines to be exhibited with a consultation period provided to the public and expected to be for at least 30 days. It is very important for all residents who want to impact their local liveability to attend on Monday 25 March.
    Port of Melbourne (PoMC) – Webb Dock
    There is a BCNA representative on the Port Liaison Group, along with other community reps, to try to protect the amenity of residents that may be impacted by the increase in capacity and 24 hour utilisation of Webb Dock. The key areas for BCNA focus are the noise levels, light spill, visual and traffic impacts. Preliminary information suggests so far that PoMC is saying most of the right words but more detail is needed to confirm this. However BCNA has not yet received satisfaction that the boundary along the Eastern edge of Webb Dock will provide sufficient sound attenuation to protect bay front housing from intrusive noise bouncing off the water between Sandridge and First Point beaches - visit PoMC website and have your say!
    Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) C73
    A reminder to those town house property owners within Beacon Cove who previously expressed a wish to participate in the title amendment assistance program. By self-explanatory letter dated 9 January 2013, CoPP advised that owners should lodge certificates of title with Best Cooper, Solicitors, no later than 10 June  2013. Those owners who do not hold title should advise Best Cooper of the whereabouts of the title so that arrangements may be made to access the title for amendment. This service will generally be provided free of cost. You may prefer, for security reasons, to deliver your confidential documents in person to Simon Raleigh of Best Cooper (Tel 96910202 for appointment). Ask for a receipt for any documents lodged. BCNA has been actively involved in the PSA over the past five years and we are pleased to report that the changes to title will bring the matter to a conclusion.
    Social Events
    Your BCNA Committee organises a number of social functions each year for members and friends. Recently we held two very well attended dinners: last November at Deco Restaurant and in March at Pier 35. It is was a delight to see 50 attendees with unanimous agreement that it was a wonderful evening and above all else great companionship. Watch the BCNA Blog for our next function.
    Montague - a new suburb in the making
    Port Melbourne residents would want Montague, the first stage of the Fishermans Bend development, to be a properly planned precinct that will be integrated to the surrounding residential and commercial facilities with adequate schooling, community services and open space. BCNA supports the Property Council Australia call to establish an agreed vision for Fishermans Bend upfront. This vision should be developed in conjunction with the community, public and private stakeholders and the investors who will make the Fishermans Bend precinct a reality. Given the Minister for Planning, Mathew Guy, has called in the development, the community consultation input is in question.
    Places Victoria, the responsible Government body to develop Montague is in the process of retrenching substantial staff numbers, bringing its capacity to deliver into question. The Government has land holdings in the area that it must use to achieve a viable community.
    The Challenge remains.
    Port Melbourne Primary School (PMPS) use of Garden City Reserve (GCR)
    This issue became a hot topic of discussion in January after advice that PMPS had applied for students to use a section of GCR for around 40 minutes during the lunch break. PMPS has grown substantially to more than 600 students, accommodating many in portable class rooms on the school playing ground and diminishing the play area. Use of GCR by the school is seen as a short term solution while the school community seeks to have a second school developed in response to current and future demand.
    BCNA share the concerns of residents re initial inadequate community consultation, potential loss of amenity and degradation of the reserve. BCNA resolved to support a trial with a sunset clause whereby a community review would take place during the first term. CoPP has agreed to increase maintenance/upkeep of the grounds.
    Princes Pier & Piers Festival 2013
    Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV) produced the second Piers Festival over the Australia Day weekend at Princes Pier. The Festival attracted
    more than 8000 visitors including many from Victoria’s multicultural communities, some who first arrived in Australia as post war migrants at this Pier. The Festival again featured multicultural music, dance, food, crafts, choirs, exhibitions, forums, a cultural boat display and ended with a spectacular fireworks display. The festival is supported by the CoPP with the Minister responsible for MAV, Nicholas Kotsiras, also attending.
    BCNA will continue discussions with Major Projects Victoria (MPV), Parks Victoria (PV) and CoPP to determine the future pier management. BCNA would like to see the refurbished Pier and Gate House active more frequently, including use as a community meeting and functions area.
    BCNA 2013 AGM - for your diary.
    The date for this year’s Annual General Meeting is Thursday 17thOctober. Refreshments will be served from 6:30pm; the meeting starts at 7pm.
    President:          Eddie Micallef        9645 1185
    Vice President: Greg Mate              9681 7441
    Treasurer:         Dana Hlavacek      9646 8850
    Secretary:         Trevor Nink            9681 8283
    Member:           Ro Holmes             9649 1961
    Member:           Glenda Beale         9676 2151
    Member:           Robyn McKenna    9646 5259
    Member:           Richard Nowotny   9645 6870
    If you are not currently financial please complete and detach this form and return with cheque (payable to BCNA) to The Treasurer BCNA, 61/103 Beach Street Port Melbourne 3207 by post or deliver to 103 Beach Street postal box (behind IGA store, near notice board)
    Name   ..................................................................           

    Signature   ..........................................................
    Address     …………………………………………………………………………………..
    Email address   …………………………………..                Phones   .............................................................
    Cheque enclosed:                    $10 (one year)                            or $45 (five years)