Events for your Diary

  • Tue 15, 4-6pm: Fishermans Bend Business Forum, CBCO Brewery, 89 Bertie Street, Fishermans Bend
  • Sat 19, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Edwards Park (corner Dow & Liardet Streets)

  • November
  • Sat 2, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Sandridge Beach
  • Thu 14: BCNA AGM
  • Sat 16, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at 109 tram terminus

  • December
  • Thu 5: BCNA Members' Dinner, Pier 35, Lorimer St
  • Sat 7, 9-10am: Beach Patrol, meeting at Princes Pier
  • Sat 14, 9:30-10:30am: Love our Streets, meeting at Olive's Corner (Liardet St, opposite Coles)
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    Tuesday 19 November 2013

    Age Friendly Cities - Have Your Say

    Age Friendly Cities - Have Your Say
    Consultation by the City of Port Phillip
    Survey Consultation Closes 29 November

    Check here for the flyer

    Full details at the City of Port Phillip Website  

    The City of Port Phillip is committed to creating a healthy, creative and inclusive city for all residents - including its older persons.

    So that we can plan for and develop a city that is age-friendly and supports active and healthy ageing, we are updating our ‘Ageing in Port Phillip Strategy 2006 – 2016’.

    Have your say

    We would like to hear your views about the eight key features of an Age Friendly City.

    8 Key features
    1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
    2. Transportation
    3. Housing
    4. Social Participation
    5. Respect and Social Inclusion
    6. Civic Participation and Employment
    7. Communication and Information
    8. Community and Health Services

    We are particularly looking for views of residents over the age of 50 but welcome anyone who wants to share their views.

    Have your say by completing either one of the following surveys:

    There are no right or wrong answers and all responses will be kept confidential.

    In addition to the survey, we will also be running focus groups with members of the community to investigate the 8 key features of Age Friendly Cities in the City of Port Phillip.

    Next steps

    Your feedback will be used to prepare a framework that will support active ageing.